Partner del programma AWS Competency specializzati in DevOps

Promuovi l'innovazione e sblocca un maggiore valore aziendale con i partner specializzati AWS che dispongono di una profonda conoscenza tecnica e un successo comprovato con i clienti

Accelera il time-to-market ottimizzando ciascuna fase del ciclo di vita di sviluppo del software con le prassi DevOps. I partner del programma AWS Competency specializzati in DevOps hanno un'esperienza comprovata nell'offerta di soluzioni DevOps su AWS. Questi partner offrono una gamma di servizi e di prodotti software per semplificare il provisioning e la gestione dell'infrastruttura, l'implementazione del codice delle applicazioni, l’automazione dei processi di rilascio dei software, il monitoraggio delle prestazioni delle applicazioni e dell'infrastruttura e l'integrazione delle best practice, delle policy e dei guardrail di sicurezza nelle pipeline CI/CD.

Logo della Rete dei partner del programma AWS Competency specializzati in DevOps

Cerca i partner AWS del programma Competency DevOps per categoria

Crea, testa e distribuisci in modo rapido e affidabile le tue applicazioni puntando sulla qualità e su time-to-market ridotto.

Analizza i log e monitora le prestazioni di applicazioni e infrastruttura.

Gestisci l'infrastruttura secondo il modello Infrastructure as Code, che comprende configurazioni delle applicazioni, container, sistemi operativi e server.

Le soluzioni in questa categoria semplificano l'integrazione della sicurezza in ogni fase dei cicli di sviluppo e distribuzione dei clienti, fornendo feedback rapidi e contestuali ai team di sviluppo, sicurezza e Ops.

I partner con competenza AWS che offrono servizi di consulenza hanno dimostrato abilità tecniche AWS approfondite e un comprovato successo presso i clienti in aree specializzate in base a settore, caso d'uso e carico di lavoro.

Entra in contatto con i partner AWS del programma Competency per DevOps

Promuovi l'innovazione, raggiungi gli obiettivi aziendali e ottieni il massimo dai tuoi servizi AWS collaborando con partner AWS approvati tecnicamente.

Logo dei partner AWS del programma Competency per l'energia

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    • Education

      eSafetyFirst Speeds Code Deployment by 4x and Cuts Management Time 30% with safeINIT on AWS


      eSafetyFirst is a Romanian company that works exclusively serving Canadian businesses and job seekers. It provides online occupational health and safety training and certification in French and English hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS) in Canada. The company wanted to ensure that it maintained excellent service as its business grew so it sought a local partner to work with. eSafetyFirst chose AWS Partner safeINIT to work on a transformation project for its training platform. But when initial plans to move core compute services to containers proved problematic, safeINIT quickly pivoted and built a new solution in response to changing needs.

    • Financial Services

      Capitalizing on AWS with Harness: Trust Bank Reduces Lead Times by about 90% With Automated CI/CD Processes


      Launched in September of 2022, Trust Bank is the first of Singapore’s new wave of digital banks. It is also one of the fastest growing digital banks in the world with 16 percent of Singapore’s market share, or more than 800,000 customers. To keep pace with its rapid growth, Trust Bank needed an agile continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) solution that could seamlessly integrate with its Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments at scale. Following a careful evaluation, Trust Bank turned to AWS Partner Harness. With Harness fully integrated, Trust Bank reduced its lead time for deployment from two weeks to 24 hours and achieved continuous compliance through implementing all controls required to align with industry standards.

    • Retail

      Necko Helps Verbolia Deliver 4x More Traffic, 440 Million SEO Pages a Month on AWS


      Verbolia is a Belgian scaleup that helps ecommerce companies improve the effectiveness of their marketing. The company’s products help automate SEO and build landing pages to increase organic traffic and improve return on advertising spend (ROAS). Verbolia’s on-premises infrastructure struggled to scale to support the delivery of an ever-increasing number of landing pages. Working with AWS Partner Necko Technologies, the company refactored its products on Amazon Web Services (AWS), based on a foundation of serverless technologies. As a result, it can now deliver over 400 million pages a month in more than 20 countries—4 times more than it could before the migration.

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  • Blog
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    • Data
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    • Idriss Laouali Abdou, 17/02/2025
      AWS CloudFormation: 2024 Year in Review AWS CloudFormation enables you to model and provision your cloud application infrastructure as code-base templates. Whether you prefer writing templates directly in JSON or YAML, or using programming languages like Python, Java, and TypeScript with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), CloudFormation and CDK provide the flexibility you need. [...]
    • Angel Pizarro, 11/02/2025
      The Terraform AWS Cloud Control (AWSCC) provider now supports AWS Batch job definitions, enabling you to leverage recent and future enhancements to AWS Batch. Learn more in our latest blog post.
    • Kevin DeJong, 06/02/2025
      Introduction As your cloud infrastructure grows and evolves, you may find the need to reorganize your AWS CloudFormation stacks for better management, for improved modularity, or to align with changing business requirements. CloudFormation now offers a powerful feature that allows you to move resources between stacks. In this post, we’ll explore the process of stack [...]
    • Sébastien Stormacq, 05/02/2025
      AWS CodeBuild now includes pre-installed Fastlane in macOS environments, streamlining mobile app development by providing built-in access to automated tools for code signing, testing, and app distribution, without manual setup requirements.
    • Muni Annachi, Arun Dyasani, Jenna Eun, Meenakshi Ponn Shankaran, Shweta Singh, Ajay Raghunathan, 23/01/2025
      In this post, we show how to create an automated continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline solution to build, scan, and deploy custom Docker images to SageMaker Studio domains. You can use this solution to promote consistency of the analytical environments for data science teams across your enterprise.

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