Boosting MySQL database performance

with Amazon ElastiCache (Redis OSS)

Module 5: Cleanup

To finish this experiment, you will learn how to delete your Redis Cluster and your MySQL database.

What You Will Learn

  • How to delete your Redis Cluster and your MySQL database when they are no longer needed

 Time to Complete

10 minutes


  • In order to delete your Redis Cluster, go to the ElastiCache Dashboard and follow these instructions:

    5.1 — Select “Redis” on the left pane.

    This will show you a list of all your Redis clusters.

    Select Redis on the left pane

    5.2 — Select the Redis Cluster you created for this tutorial.

    Select the Redis Cluster

    5.3 — Click on “Delete”.

    Click on Delete

    5.4 — You will be asked if you want to create a final backup.

    That’s usually a good idea, but it’s not necessary for this tutorial. Select “No” and click on “Delete”.

    The status of your cluster will change to “deleting”.

    Select No for create final backup
  • 5.5 — Navigate to Amazon RDS console and select “Databases” on the left pane.

    Select Databases on the left pane

    5.6 — Select the database you created (i.e., “database-1”).

    Select the database you created

    5.7 — Click on “Actions” and select “Delete”.

    Click on Actions, then Delete

    5.8 — You will be asked if you want to create a final backup.

    That’s usually a good idea, but it’s not necessary for this tutorial. Uncheck the box for “Create final snapshot”.

    Uncheck "create final snapshot"

    5.9 — Check the box for “I acknowledge…”, type “delete me”, and click “Delete”.

    Type "delete me" in the field

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You have learned how to boost your relational databases with ElastiCache (Redis OSS). You implemented a cache-aside strategy with a Redis Cluster on top of a MySQL database.