AWS マネージドサービスプロバイダプログラム


AWS マネージドサービスプロバイダープログラムとは?

AWS マネージドサービスプロバイダー (MSP) プログラムは、実績と経験を持つ AWS パートナーを検証し、計画と設計、構築と移行、オペレーションとサポート、オートメーションと最適化を含む、クラウドジャーニーのあらゆる段階でエンドツーエンドの AWS ソリューションをお客様に提供します。

AWS MSP の指定を達成するには、ビジネスの健全性と技術的能力が高い基準を満たしていることを確認するために、広範な独立監査を完了する必要があります。

成功する AWS MSP プラクティスを構築し、プログラムの指定を達成する方法についての規定ガイダンスについては、パンフレットをダウンロードしてください。 利点成功事例、および開始方法については、以下をご覧ください。 




パートナー選択の基準の上位 3 つに AWS スペシャライゼーションを挙げている顧客の比率。


パートナーのベンダー認定を年に 2 回以上レビューしている顧客の比率。



AWS マネージドサービスプロバイダーパートナーとつながる

技術的に検証された AWS パートナーと提携して、イノベーションを促進し、ビジネス目標を達成し、AWS のサービスを最大限に活用しましょう。



Showing results: 16-20
Total results: 47


  • Manufacturing

    DeLaval & Knowit

    Global milking equipment company DeLaval worked with AWS Partner Knowit to build a serverless platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and deliver new digital services. It developed its first application to provide cow behavior analysis using Internet of Things (IoT) sensor data. The solution provides farmers with near-real-time monitoring to track animal wellbeing, when a cow is in heat, and where each one is positioned on the farm. Knowit optimized DeLaval's AWS use, cutting the cost per cow by 75 percent. Farmers now have an affordable application to manage their herd—and achieve more when faced with limited resources.

  • Software & Internet

    Sophos & Xtravirt

    Global cybersecurity provider Sophos worked with AWS Partner Xtravirt to update and modernize the company’s data centers, providing reduced risk, faster provisioning of new machines, and greater scalability. Using a phased, 3-stage approach, Sophos worked with Xtravirt to re-certify its virtual machines, and identify and migrate critical workloads to VMware Cloud on AWS. The new environment is now more scalable and reliable with less need for infrastructure management.

  • Manufacturing

    Kingspan & Storm Reply

    Kingspan Insulated Panels worked with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS Partner Storm Reply to bring intelligence to its network of factories. Its factories all had individual control and data collection systems leading to a lack of visibility and time-consuming, manual processing to create audits and gain insight into efficiency. Using AWS IoT SiteWise and AWS IoT Core, the two companies created a replicable ‘IoT in a box’ that is ready to ship to any production facility in the world or to help bring new sites online quickly.

  • Software & Internet


    Adaptive Financial Consulting (Adaptive) proved the speed and resilience of its open-source cloud-native messaging and clustering technology, Aeron, on Amazon Web Services (AWS). To meet its clients’ needs, Adaptive tested its open-source and premium offerings to analyze their performance using modern infrastructure. Working with the AWS team, Adaptive validated that Aeron Open Source can meet latency, transport speed, and throughput requirements on the cloud using Amazon EC2 instances. Adaptive also improved upon these results using Aeron Premium components, reducing fault-tolerant replication latency by 45 percent for Aeron Cluster and achieving a throughput of 3 million messages for Aeron Transport.

  • Financial Services

    Bridge & Padok

    Bridge, a France-based company that specializes in enabling and initiating payments, chose AWS Partner Padok to help it maintain its open banking platform 24/7 while optimizing costs and complying with French employment laws that limit overnight working hours for developers. Built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Bridge’s infrastructure uses APIs to help customers’ systems connect with its platform in real time. Working with Padok, Bridge now has a platform that is secure and available, and the two companies have developed a trusted partnership.

1 10

AWS と Version 1: 10 年のコラボレーションと成長

Version 1 のような専門の MSP パートナーは、お客様がクラウドをビジネス上戦略的に優位な立場に立つ土台として活用できるよう支援します。これは技術的な利点にとどまらず、ビジネスにプラスの成果をもたらします。
