Find an AWS Training Partner

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Why work with an AWS Training Partner?

Get official AWS Training from trusted AWS Training Partners – the only organizations that can offer, deliver, and/or resell AWS Training.

AWS Training Partner solutions

AWS Training Partners offer flexible training options to meet your organization’s learning needs and preferences, whether that includes learning live from an instructor, learning on-demand with digital training, and/or preparing for AWS Certification.

AWS Classroom Training

AWS Training Partners can deliver both public and private instructor-led classroom training, authored by AWS, and delivered virtually or in-person.

woman with short hair sitting at a desk looking at her desktop screen

AWS Digital Training

Access a selection of AWS Training Partner digital courses for your team to develop in-demand AWS skills, when and where they want.

laptop screen displaying AWS Skill Builder training

AWS Training Resell

AWS Training Partners can resell AWS-delivered training and AWS Skill Builder Team subscription to meet your learning needs.

woman standing up in a conference room and two people sitting at a table clapping

AWS Social Impact Training

AWS Training Partners can deliver classroom and digital training through government and public funding to expand skill development for cloud learners.

group of people sitting around conference table with laptops