Gen AI Developer Day



    GenAI Loft | San Francisco

    Generative AI


    Modern applications











    100 - Foundational, 200 - Intermediate

    Gen AI Day focuses on introducing and deep-diving into the fundamentals of Generative AI, including basics, prompt engineering, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), and agent-based models. This day is designed for a diverse audience, from beginners to experienced developers, providing a comprehensive overview of Generative AI and its practical applications.


    4:00 PM UTC

    Opening and Welcome

    4:30 PM UTC

    Keynote: Introduction to Generative AI

    Mike Chambers | Senior Developer Advocate, AWS

    We will kick off the event with a comprehensive introduction to generative AI, its applications, and its impact across industries for developers. Attendees will gain insights into the latest trends and how companies are leveraging these advancements to drive innovation leveraging generative AI with AWS.

    5:30 PM UTC

    Option A - Breakout - To Be Announced

    More details on this session coming soon!

    5:30 PM UTC

    Option B - Workshop - Building Agentic workflows on AWS

    Banjo Obayomi | Senior Developer Advocate, AWS

    This workshop is designed for builders ready to create Agentic Workflows on AWS, enabling large language models (LLMs) to act autonomously. Learn how to architect workflows where LLMs can perform tasks, provide assistance, and make decisions on behalf of users. By leveraging AWS services like Bedrock and SageMaker, participants will gain hands-on experience in building AI-powered systems.

    6:30 PM UTC

    Option A - Breakout - Exploring Multimodal RAG: Advanced Search Across Images, Video, and Text

    Anila Joshi and Meghana Ashok | Applied Science Manager, AWS and ML Engineer, AWS

    Discover how retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) can be applied across multiple modalities such as images, video, and text to perform advanced search tasks. Learn about cutting-edge techniques and the tools used to integrate these modalities in real-world AI applications.

    8:00 PM UTC

    Lunch Break and Networking

    8:45 PM UTC

    Option B - Workshop - TBA

    More details on this session coming soon!

    9:00 PM UTC

    Option A - Breakout - Technical Session with LangChain

    This session will explore the use of LangChain for building robust AI applications and new features around the framework. Attendees will learn about the framework's key components, including chaining models and tools for efficient generative AI workflows.

    10:00 PM UTC

    Option A - Breakout - TBA

    Suman Debnath | Principal Developer Advocate (AI/ML), AWS

    More details on this session coming soon!

    11:00 PM UTC

    Option A - Breakout - Customizing and Fine Tuning FMs for GenAI applications

    Suman Debnath | Principal Developer Advocate (AI/ML), AWS

    Learn how to customize and fine-tune foundation models (FMs) to meet specific business requirements on Amazon Bedrock. This session will cover strategies for adjusting pre-trained models and improving their performance for generative AI use cases.