Posted On: Mar 16, 2018

Starting today, AWS Elemental MediaTailor supports the Video Player-Ad Interface Definition (VPAID) standard. VPAID allows video publishers to serve highly interactive video ads and collect viewing metrics from their monetized streams. You can now use AWS Elemental MediaTailor to serve a combination of server-side stitched linear ads, using the VAST standard, and client-side inserted interactive ads, using the VPAID standard, in the same stream.

Also announced today, AWS Elemental MediaTailor now supports CloudWatch Metrics. In addition to CloudWatch debugging logs, you can use Amazon CloudWatch to build dashboards and alarms for key metrics related to the stability and monetization progress of video streams. These metrics include Fill Rate, Ad Server Error Rate, Origin Errors, Manifest Errors, and others.

To learn more about how to use both new features, visit the AWS Elemental MediaTailor documentation page.

AWS Elemental MediaTailor is a content personalization and monetization service that lets you serve video with targeted ads to viewers while maintaining broadcast quality-of-service in multiscreen video applications. This service functions independently or as part of AWS Media Services, a family of services that form the foundation of cloud-based video workflows and offer you the capabilities you need to create, package, and deliver streaming video.

AWS Elemental MediaTailor is available in the US East (Virginia), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and EU (Ireland) regions.