Posted On: Jul 10, 2018

The AWS Solutions team has updated the Data Lake Solution, an automated reference implementation that deploys a highly available, cost-effective data lake architecture on the AWS Cloud along with a user-friendly console for searching and requesting datasets. The solution now leverages AWS Glue and Amazon Athena to transform and analyze uploaded datasets with searchable metadata.

The solution implements a data lake API, which leverages Amazon API Gateway to provide access to data lake microservices that interact with Amazon S3, AWS Glue, Amazon Athena, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon ES, and Amazon CloudWatch. To learn more about the data lake solution, see the solution webpage.  

The AWS Solutions team communicates AWS architectural best practices and develops standardized, automated solutions for the platform. Our offerings currently live on the AWS Answers webpage, where customers can browse common questions by category to find answers in the form of succinct Solution Briefs or comprehensive Solutions, which are AWS-vetted, automated, turnkey reference implementations that address specific business needs.