Posted On: Mar 24, 2020

You can now track ‘Bring-your-own-license’ (BYOL) usage by your Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for Oracle database instances with AWS License Manager. You can leverage License Manager to centrally track usage of your Oracle database licenses based on your license agreement terms and thus reduce the risk of non-compliance, misreporting, and additional costs due to licensing overages.

AWS License Manager makes it easier to bring your existing software licenses from vendors such as Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, and IBM to AWS, and centrally manage these licenses across AWS and on-premises environments. AWS License Manager is offered at no additional charges. See the AWS Region Table for the list of all regions where License Manager is currently available. Visit the AWS License Manager web page, documentation, and frequently asked questions to learn more.  

Amazon RDS for Oracle makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale Oracle Database deployments in the cloud. See the Amazon RDS for Oracle Database Pricing page for complete regional availability information.  

You can now configure License Manager to help you automatically track licenses of Oracle database engine editions, options and packs; as you grow your database footprint on Amazon RDS.