Posted On: Jun 26, 2020

Amazon Transcribe Medical is a HIPAA eligible Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for developers to add speech-to-text capabilities to their healthcare and life science applications. Starting today, AWS customers can use AWS PrivateLink to access the Amazon Transcribe Medical real-time streaming API from their Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) without using public IPs, and without requiring the traffic to traverse the Internet. AWS PrivateLink provides private connectivity between VPCs and AWS services, without ever leaving the Amazon network.

Using AWS PrivateLink, you can access the Amazon Transcribe Medical streaming API easily and securely by keeping your network traffic within the Amazon network, while significantly simplifying your internal network architecture. You no longer need to use an Internet Gateway, Network Address Translation (NAT) devices, or firewall proxies to connect to Amazon Transcribe.  

Amazon Transcribe Medical streaming transcription produces accurate transcripts of dictation and conversational speech in the medical domain. In the clinical documentation workflow, physicians can efficiently capture medical notes without distraction during patient engagements. Moreover, physicians can leverage the transcribed notes after patient encounters to more quickly conduct medical data entry into electronic health record (EHR) systems. This culminates into a better experience for physicians who save valuable time, and also a higher patient satisfaction and care overall. 

AWS PrivateLink support for Amazon Transcribe Medical real-time streaming is available in all AWS regions where the service is available. To learn more, visit the Amazon Transcribe Medical documentation page.