Posted On: May 31, 2022

AWS DataSync now provides additional security options when moving data to and from Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS). AWS DataSync is an online data movement service that simplifies, automates, and accelerates moving data between on-premises, edge, or cloud storage and AWS Storage services. Amazon EFS is a serverless, fully elastic file system that makes it easy to set up, scale, and cost-optimize file storage in the AWS Cloud. With this launch, DataSync can now access your file systems using EFS Access Points, enabling you to copy data to and from specific datasets. You can also configure DataSync to connect to your EFS file systems using TLS encryption, giving you greater protection of your data in-flight when copying to and from EFS. Additionally, you can configure DataSync with an IAM role for use with your EFS file system policies, giving you greater control over how DataSync accesses your file systems.

As a fully-managed service, DataSync makes it easy to move millions of files and petabytes of data to and from AWS Storage services, including Amazon EFS. It uses a purpose-built network protocol and scale-out architecture to accelerate data movement and provides built-in security capabilities such as encryption of data in-transit and at-rest, along with end-to-end data integrity verification. DataSync optimizes the use of your network with bandwidth throttling controls and compression of data in flight, and can automatically recover from temporary network issues. In addition, DataSync provides control and monitoring capabilities such as data transfer scheduling, include and exclude filters, and granular visibility into the transfer process through Amazon CloudWatch metrics, logs, and events. With these new security options, you can use DataSync with your EFS Access Points to securely copy data to and from specific datasets or directories on your EFS file systems and you can ensure that DataSync is compliant with your file system policies.

These new options are available in all AWS Regions where AWS DataSync is available. To learn more, visit the AWS DataSync product page, our Getting Started tutorial, or try DataSync in the AWS Management Console.