AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

AWS Marketplace Now Supports Registration for ISVs Based in the EU

Are you an EU-Based ISV looking for additional channels to offer your software products to customers? If yes, then we’ve got great news for you.

Today, AWS Marketplace announced new functionality which supports the registration for ISVs based in the EU.

What Does This Mean for ISVs?

Previously, only ISVs with a U.S. subsidiary could sell on the AWS Marketplace. The launch of this new functionality opens up the service to start-ups and smaller ISVs based in Europe who no longer need to worry about having a US-based entity. You can now operate directly out of the EU.

What Does This Mean for Customers?

AWS Marketplace provides customers with an immediate route to software from the cloud, giving customers the traditional cloud advantages of short time to deployment, flexible pay-as-you-go pricing, and scalability without infrastructure management or hardware capex. Customers around the world will now have access to a much richer catalogue of products as more European products become available in AWS Marketplace. Fourteen new European sellers from security, networking, databases, business intelligence, storage and media have already made their products available in AWS Marketplace, adding to the more than 2,700 software listings from over 925 ISVs, such as Tableau (analytics), Sophos (security), SAP (HANA 1), Oracle (EnterpriseDB), and Microsoft (SQL Server, SharePoint).

To learn about the 14 new EU-based ISV products already available, click here.