AWS News Blog

AWS Price List API Update – Regional Price Lists

We launched the AWS Price List API in late 2015 (read New – AWS Price List API to learn more). Designed to power budgeting, forecasting, and cost analysis tools, this API provides prices for AWS services in JSON and CSV form, with one price list per service. You can download and process the price lists on an as-needed basis, and you can also elect to receive notification via Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) each time we make a price update.

Today we are making the AWS Price List API more useful by providing you with access to a separate price list for each AWS region. These lists are smaller and will download more quickly than the original, non-regionalized lists, which are still available.

To access the price lists, download the offer index:

It will contain one entry like this for each AWS service:

  "formatVersion" : "v1.0",
  "disclaimer" : "This pricing list is for informational purposes only. All prices are subject to the additional terms included in the pricing pages on All Free Tier prices are also subject to the terms included at",
  "publicationDate" : "2017-03-31T21:29:23Z",
  "offers" : {
    “{service code}" : {
      "offerCode" : "{service code}",
      "versionIndexUrl" : "/offers/v1.0/aws/{service code}/index.json",
      "currentVersionUrl" : "/offers/v1.0/aws/{service code}/current/index.json",
      "currentRegionIndexUrl" : "/offers/v1.0/aws/{service code}/current/region_index.json"

The currentRegionIndexUrl is relative to It points to a region index for the service. The region index contains one entry for each region where the service is available, indexed by region code (“ap-south-1”, “eu-west-2”, and so forth):

  "formatVersion" : "v1.0",
  "disclaimer" : "This pricing list is for informational purposes only. All prices are subject to the additional terms included in the pricing pages on All Free Tier prices are also subject to the terms included at",
  "publicationDate" : "2017-04-07T22:41:47Z",
  "regions" : {
    "ap-south-1" : {
      "regionCode" : "ap-south-1",
      "currentVersionUrl" : "/offers/v1.0/aws/AmazonEC2/20170407224147/ap-south-1/index.json"
    "eu-west-2" : {
      "regionCode" : "eu-west-2",
      "currentVersionUrl" : "/offers/v1.0/aws/AmazonEC2/20170407224147/eu-west-2/index.json"

The currentVersionUrl is also relative to Each URL points to a price list that is specific to one region and one service. The price list includes all of the SKUs that are available in the region, including data transfer in and out of the region. It also includes global SKUs that are related to the SKUs that are specific to the region.

Available Now
The new regional price lists are available now and you can start using them today at no charge. Take a look and let me know what you build!



Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.