AWS News Blog

AWS Training & Certification Update – New Windows-Focused Learning Quests

My colleague Janna Pellegrino is happy to be able to share news of our latest learning quests in today’s guest post!

One of the easiest ways to learn how you can benefit from the AWS cloud is with hands-on practice. Self-paced labs provide this hands-on training in a live practice environment.  AWS subject matter experts have developed more than 60 topics on AWS services, and labs are currently available online through APN Technology Partner Cloud vLAB’s platform.  To help you navigate through a topics and solve common use cases using related AWS services, we also offer several learning paths, or qwikLABS “quests.”  Here are some of the paths available.

AWS Service Area or Use Case
You can learn how to work with related AWS services with quests by Service Area or Use Case.  The following are available in beginner and advanced paths:

You will earn a badge each time you complete a quest:

AWS Certification Exam Prep
Hands-on experience and on-the-job skills are the most helpful tools in preparing for certification.  You can get hands-on practice with AWS services addressed in exams blueprints by following these quests:

AWS for Microsoft Windows
We offer a broad set of global compute, storage, database and systems management options that are optimized for Microsoft Windows-based workloads. Learn how to work with Microsoft technologies running in the AWS cloud, including:

Here are the badges that you can earn by completing these quests:

Visit Self-Paced Labs to learn more and continue to develop your skills with AWS using on-demand, low-cost training tools.

Janna Pellegrino, AWS Training and Certification