AWS News Blog

Category: Compute

Resource Groups and Tagging for AWS

For many years, AWS customers have used tags to organize their EC2 resources (instances, images, load balancers, security groups, and so forth), RDS resources (DB instances, option groups, and more), VPC resources (gateways, option sets, network ACLS, subnets, and the like) Route 53 health checks, and S3 buckets. Tags are used to label, collect, and […]

EC2 Container Service In Action

We announced the Amazon Amazon EC2 Container Service at AWS re:Invent and invited you to join the preview. Since that time, we’ve seen a lot of interest and a correspondingly high signup rate for the preview. With the year winding down, I thought it would be fun to spend a morning putting the service through […]

AWS Data Transfer Price Reduction

I am happy to announce that we are reducing the rates for several types of AWS data transfers, effective December 1, 2014, as follows: Outbound Data Transfer – Pricing for data transfer from AWS to the Internet is now 6% to 43% lower, depending on the Region and the amount of data transferred per month. […]

Simplifying the EC2 Reserved Instance Model

EC2’s Reserved Instance model provides you with two benefits: capacity assurance and a lower effective hourly rate in exchange for an upfront payment. After combining customer feedback with an analysis of purchasing patterns that goes back to when we first launched Reserved Instances in 2009, we have decided to simplify the model and are introducing […]

Larger and Faster Elastic Block Store (EBS) Volumes

As Werner just announced from the stage at AWS re:Invent, we have some great news for users of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS). We are planning to support EBS volumes that are larger and faster than ever before! Here are the new specs: General Purpose (SSD) – You will be able to create volumes […]

New Compute-Optimized EC2 Instances

Our customers continue to increase the sophistication and intensity of the compute-bound workloads that they run on the Cloud. Applications such as top-end website hosting, online gaming, simulation, risk analysis, and rendering are voracious consumers of CPU cycles and can almost always benefit from the parallelism offered by today’s multicore processors. The New C4 Instance […]