AWS News Blog

Category: Price Reduction

Amazon RDS Price Reduction

It is always fun to write about price reductions. I enjoy knowing that our customers will find AWS to be an even better value over time as we work on their behalf to lower our own costs and pass the savings along. Effective October 1, 2010 we are reducing the On-Demand and Reserved pricing for […]

Amazon EC2 Price Reduction

We’re always looking for ways to make AWS an even better value for our customers. If you’ve been reading this blog for an extended period of time you know that we reduce prices on our services from time to time. Effective September 1, 2010, we’ve reduced the On-Demand and Reserved Instance prices on the m2.2xlarge […]

Amazon EC2 – Now an Even Better Value

Effective November 1, 2009, the following per-hour prices will be in effect for Amazon EC2: US EU Linux Windows SQL Linux Windows SQL m1.small $0.085 $0.12 $0.095 $0.13 m1.large $0.34 $0.48 $1.08 $0.38 $0.52 $1.12 m1.xlarge $0.68 $0.96 $1.56 $0.76 $1.04 $1.64 c1.medium $0.17 $0.29 $0.19 $0.31 c1.xlarge $0.68 $1.16 $2.36 $0.76 $1.24 $2.44 This […]