AWS Compute Blog

Simplifying Lambda function development using CloudWatch Logs Live Tail and Metrics Insights

This post is written by Shridhar Pandey, Senior Product Manager, AWS Lambda

Today, AWS is announcing two new features which make it easier for developers and operators to build and operate serverless applications using AWS Lambda. First, the Lambda console now natively supports Amazon CloudWatch Logs Live Tail which provides you real-time visibility into Lambda function logs, making it easier to develop and troubleshoot Lambda functions. Second, the Lambda console now offers Amazon CloudWatch Metrics Insights dashboard for key Lambda function metrics, enabling you to easily identify and troubleshoot the source of errors or performance issues.

This blog post dives into the new capabilities enabled by these launches, how these capabilities simplify the developer and operator experience for building serverless applications with Lambda, and how you can get started with them.

Native CloudWatch Live Tail logs in Lambda console

Customers building serverless applications using Lambda want visibility into the behavior of their Lambda functions in real time, such as when an error occurs or a code change causes unexpected behavior. For example, developers want to instantly see the result of their code or configuration changes on the behavior of the function, and operators want to quickly troubleshoot any critical issues which would prevent the function from operating smoothly.

To help you monitor and troubleshoot the behavior of your function, the Lambda service automatically captures and sends logs to CloudWatch Logs. However, previously, you had to wait for Lambda function logs to be ingested, processed, and stored by CloudWatch Logs before you could view them. Then, you had to navigate to the CloudWatch console to view, search, and query logs using tools like CloudWatch Logs Insights. This caused frequent context switching between the Lambda and CloudWatch consoles in order to access logs, which introduced friction in the process of rapidly developing and troubleshooting Lambda functions.

The Lambda console now natively supports CloudWatch Logs Live Tail, an interactive log streaming and analytics capability which enables developers and operators to view and analyze their Lambda function logs in real time. This capability provides a built-in, real-time view of function logs as they become available in the Lambda console, as seen in the following image. Developers can now easily start a Live Tail session with one click and view the latest log entries as their function is executing. So, they can now edit the function code, deploy changes, invoke the function, and view the result of their code change in real time, without navigating away from the Lambda console. This streamlines and accelerates the author-test-deploy cycle (also known as the “inner dev loop”) when building serverless applications using Lambda.

New Live Tail view in Lambda console.

Figure 1 CloudWatch Logs Live Tail in Lambda console

The Live Tail experience in Lambda console also offers fine-grained log analysis capabilities to filter logs, making it easier for operators and DevOps teams to debug and troubleshoot issues and critical errors in their Lambda functions. For example, while investigating errors in the Lambda function, operators can apply filter patterns to only display log events containing keywords of interest e.g., ERROR, exception, etc. This helps narrow down the search to relevant log events and cut out the noise, reducing the mean time to recovery (MTTR) when troubleshooting Lambda function errors. Thus, Live Tail enables operators to proactively monitor the health of their serverless applications built using Lambda and react faster to resolve errors or unexpected behavior.

Live Tail in action

To use Live Tail capabilities on any CloudWatch log group, you must have logs:StartLiveTail, logs:StopLiveTail, and logs:DescribeLogGroups AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions for that CloudWatch log group. Alternatively, you can add CloudWatchLogsReadOnlyAccess managed IAM policy (which contains these IAM permissions) to your IAM role. See Overview of managing access permissions to your CloudWatch Logs resources to learn more.

To get started with Live Tail in the Lambda console:

  1. Navigate to the Lambda console at
  2. In the Functions page, select the Lambda function for which you want to view Live Tail logs.
  3. In the Code tab, select Run and Debug icon in the Activity Bar on the left-hand side of the code editor. This opens the Run and Debug view.
  4. Select Open CloudWatch Live Tail. This opens the CloudWatch Logs Live Tail bottom drawer.The new Code editor experience in the Lambda console showing how to start a CloudWatch Live Tail sessionFigure 2: Starting Live Tail from code editor in Lambda console
    Note: Figure 2 shows the new code editor experience in the Lambda console
  5. Select Start to start a Live Tail session and view your Lambda function logs stream in real time. Alternatively, visit Test tab and select CloudWatch Logs Live Tail to start a Live Tail session.

Active Live Tail session showing logs for the CloudWatch log group associated with the Lambda function.

Figure 3: Active Live Tail session

The CloudWatch Logs Live Tail bottom drawer features a Filter panel on the left-hand side, which contains useful controls such as CloudWatch log group selection, option to filter logs, and the Start and Stop buttons. You can collapse this panel if you want to utilize the entire width of your screen to view logs (without horizontal scrolling) in the Live Tail session, as shown in the following image.

Active Live Tail session showing collapsed Filter panel.

Figure 4: Active Live Tail session with collapsed Filter Panel

The Filter panel has the CloudWatch log group corresponding to your Lambda function selected by default, but you can select other log groups. You can select up to 5 log groups at a time. You can also stop the Live Tail session at any time by selecting Stop in the Filter panel.

To filter logs based on specific terms or keywords, apply patterns using the “Add filter pattern” option in the Filter panel. The filters field is case sensitive. You can specify keywords, phrases, numeric values, or regular expressions in the filter pattern. See Filter pattern syntax for metric filters, subscription filters, filter log events, and Live Tail to learn more about how to use filter patterns to display only log events of interest. For example, you can filter log events containing specific keywords or phrases (e.g., ERROR, FATAL, exception, etc.) as shown in the following image.

Live Tail session showing multiple log groups selected and filter pattern applied for “ERROR” keyword.

Figure 5: Active Live Tail session with multiple log groups selected and filter patterns applied

The Live Tail session automatically stops after 15 minutes (i.e., 900 seconds) of inactivity or when the Lambda console session times out. However, when you restart the Live Tail session, the previously applied filtering criteria will be retained. This means, you can pick up where you left off with just one click.

You get 1,800 minutes of Live Tail session usage per month for free with the AWS Free Tier, after which you pay $0.01 per minute of usage. See CloudWatch pricing page for Live Tail pricing details.

The Live Tail experience in Lambda console is available in all commercial AWS Regions where AWS Lambda and Amazon CloudWatch Logs are available. See Lambda documentation and this introductory video to learn more about native Live Tail support for Lambda.

CloudWatch Metrics Insights dashboard in Lambda console

In order to effectively operate distributed applications, easily identifying the source of errors or performance issues is critical. For example, when you notice a spike in critical metrics like errors or invocation duration in your Lambda dashboard, you want to quickly find out which Lambda functions are causing these spikes. Previously, you had to navigate to the CloudWatch console and query metrics or create custom dashboards.

Now, the Lambda console features a new built-in CloudWatch Metrics Insights dashboard which provides you instant visibility into critical insights for Lambda functions in your account, such as “most invoked Lambda functions”, “functions with highest number of errors”, and “functions taking the longest to run”. The dashboard leverages CloudWatch Metrics Insights capability to enable you to easily identify functions driving the highest usage, errors, and performance issues. Thus, the Metrics Insights dashboard surfaces key insights right where you need them, reducing friction due to context switching and making it easy for your operator team(s) to identify and fix errors and performance anomalies for your serverless applications built using Lambda.

Metrics Insights dashboard in action

You can easily get started with Metrics Insights dashboard without making any code changes or creating custom dashboards. Simply navigate to the Dashboard page in the Lambda console to start accessing the insights surfaced in the Metrics Insights dashboard. The following image shows the Metric Insights dashboard in the Lambda console.

Dashboard page in Lambda console showing Metrics Insights dashboard.

Figure 6: Lambda Dashboard page with Metrics Insights dashboard

The dashboard shows the top 10 Lambda functions in your AWS account with highest number of invocations, errors, and longest invocation duration. In the example shown in the following image, the Lambda function named 1-LambdaConsoleStack-er4D14B2288-VulWZHExuSFp shows the highest error rate among all functions experiencing errors. This could be a signal to the operator team to prioritize identifying the root cause behind the high error rate for this function.

Metrics Insights dashboard with graphs populated with metrics data for Lambda functions.

Figure 7: Metrics Insights dashboard showing top 10 functions with highest errors, invocations, and concurrent executions

The Metrics Insights dashboard displays data for the most recent 3 hours. You can view and query metrics in the CloudWatch console if you require metrics for longer than 3 hours.

Metrics Insights dashboard in Lambda console is now available in all commercial AWS Regions where AWS Lambda and Amazon CloudWatch are available, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, at no additional cost.


This post introduces and illustrates two new Lambda features — native support for CloudWatch Logs Live Tail and Metrics Insights dashboard in the Lambda console. These features simplify the developer and operator experience for serverless applications built using Lambda. Live Tail enables you to view and analyze Lambda logs in real time, which simplifies and accelerates the author-test-deploy cycle and makes it easy to troubleshoot errors in Lambda functions. On the other hand, Metrics Insights dashboard shows key Lambda metrics like errors, invocations, and duration to reduce the mean time to recover (MTTR) from errors and performance issues for Lambda functions.

For more serverless learning resources, visit Serverless Land.

10/18: This post was updated to reflect the latest user interface.