Implement AWS IAM authentication with Amazon VPC Lattice and Amazon EKS
Amazon VPC Lattice is a fully managed application networking service built directly into the AWS network infrastructure that you use to connect, secure, and monitor all of your services across multiple accounts and virtual private clouds (VPCs).
With Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), customers can use Amazon VPC Lattice through the use of AWS Gateway API controller, an implementation of the Kubernetes Gateway API. Using Amazon VPC Lattice, Amazon EKS customers can set up cross-cluster connectivity with standard Kubernetes semantics in a simple and consistent manner.
Meanwhile, certain customers expressed a desire to enhance application layer security. The design of Amazon VPC Lattice is secure by default because it requires you to be explicit about what services you want to share and which VPCs you want to provide access to.
Amazon VPC Lattice provides a 3-layer framework that lets you implement a defense-in-depth strategy at multiple layers of the network. These layers include VPC association with a service network, security groups, network access control lists (ACLs), and AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) authentication policy, so you are able to configure Amazon VPC Lattice to meet your security and compliance objectives.
Both the security group on the VPC to service network association and the auth policy are optional. You can associate a service network to a VPC without configuring a security group and leave the auth type set to NONE
to not use an auth policy.
In this post, we’ll focus on the third layer to apply VPC Lattice auth policy on service network and individual services. Typically the auth policy on the service network is operated by the network or cloud administrator, and they implement coarse-grained authorization. For example, allowing only authenticated requests from a specified organization in AWS Organizations. An auth policy on the service lets the service owner set fine-grained controls that might be more restrictive than the coarse-grained authorization rules that the network or cloud administrator applied at the service network level. Using auth policies, customers are able to define who, can perform which actions, to which services without changing code of their applications.
In our implementation, we demonstrate how to:
- Build an Amazon VPC Lattice service network on Amazon EKS and enable auth policies on Amazon VPC Lattice services.
- Build a solution to automatically enable the service caller to make HTTP requests to Amazon VPC Lattice services with AWS IAM authentication, using a sidecar and init container pattern in Amazon EKS and Amazon VPC Lattice. No source code changes for caller apps is required.
- Verify that the service caller will be able to connect multiple services in the Amazon VPC Lattice Service Network.
Solution overview
Amazon VPC Lattice integrates with AWS IAM to give you the same authentication and authorization capabilities you are familiar with when interacting with AWS services today, but for your own service-to-service communication.
To configure service access controls, you can use access policies. An access policy is an AWS IAM resource policy that can be associated with a service network and individual services. With access policies, you can use the PARC (principal, action, resource, and condition) model to enforce context-specific access controls for services. For example, you can use an access policy to define which services can access a service you own.
Amazon VPC Lattice uses AWS Signature Version 4 (SigV4) for client authentication. After the Auth Policy is enabled on the Amazon VPC Lattice Service, it is also necessary to make changes on the service caller side, so that the HTTP requests include the signed Authorization
header, as well as other headers such as x-amz-content-sha256
, x-amz-date
and x-amz-security-token
when making HTTP requests. The details of AWS Sig v4 can be found here.
To sign the request for Amazon VPC Lattice services, so far we know the customer has the following options:
- Use the AWS SDK to sign the request with the corresponding programming language. This solution has the optimal performance, but it requires code changes for the developer inside the application. The implementation can be found in the Amazon VPC Lattice Docs.
- Use AWS SIGv4 Proxy Admission Controller and use AWS SIGv4 Proxy to forward HTTP request and add AWS Sigv4 headers. The details is covered in this post. However, the above solution comes with one limitation: when AWS SIGv4 Proxy Admission Controller is used, only single host is supported. In the example manifest, you can see that the front-end container is making requests to
and the host header is replaced
statically defined in
annotation. In other words, the caller service can connect to only one Amazon VPC Lattice service. There will be challenges if the client is connecting to multiple Amazon VPC lattice services.
In this post I demonstrate an optimized solution that’s fully transparent and supports connecting to multiple Amazon VPC Lattice services.
First, we introduce an init and sidecar container in the Kubernetes pod:
- init container: running the
utility to intercept any traffic to Amazon VPC Lattice services to the AWS SigV4 Proxy, which listens to port 8080. - sigv4 proxy: run with the
including--name vpc-lattice-svcs, --unsigned-payload
flag and logging options. The proxy container will automatically sign requests using the credentials obtained by AWS IAM role for Service Account in Amazon EKS.
Second, inject the init and sidecar container automatically, so that the existing Kubernetes manifest won’t be modified by developer teams. We use Kyverno as the policy engine, which is designed for Kubernetes and runs as a dynamic admission controller in a Kubernetes cluster. In this case, Kyverno receives mutating admission webhook HTTP callbacks from the Kubernetes API server, and applies matching policies to return results that enforce admission policies. In other words, Kyverno can automatically inject the sidecar and init containers automatically without any required coding.
Amazon VPC Lattice with Auth Policy in Amazon EKS
- An AWS account with the Administrator permission
- Installation of AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), kubectl, eksctl, and Git
Prepare the Amazon EKS cluster and Amazon VPC Lattice services
We need to prepare the environment to test our solution.
- Create an Amazon EKS cluster and install gateway API controller for Amazon VPC Lattice
- Install Kyverno
Deploy the sample httpbin application as the Amazon VPC Lattice Service
Run the following commands to deploy httpbin as the Amazon VPC Lattice Service:
Securing service network
To demonstrate this feature, we apply an auth policy on httpbin
service, which will only allow authenticated access. You can define granular policies by referring to the documentation.
- Go to VPC section of AWS Console and select Services under VPC Lattice and then on the service
in the right pane. - On next page, choose Access and then on Edit access settings.
- In the resulting Service access screen, select AWS IAM, then select Apply policy template > Allow only authenticated access. Then choose Save changes.
Now we run a test to show that the service requires AWS IAM Authentication, or otherwise it returns an HTTP 403 forbidden error.
Prepare the caller app deployment
Here we are going to configure the proxy to use AWS IAM roles for service accounts (IRSA), we can make the proxy use the credentials of an AWS IAM role to sign the requests. By attaching the VPCLatticeServicesInvokeAccess
identity-based policy to the AWS IAM role, we can grant permissions to the role to call the Amazon VPC Lattice service.
Creating AWS IAM role for service account
After the preparation is done, we are going to prepare our service caller app deployment with the proxy container. The proxy container will listen to port 8080 and run as user 101. The YAML snippet will be like below:
Now we would like to intercept traffic from the main app, use the iptables
utility to route the traffic connecting to Amazon VPC Lattice CIDR
chain, and redirect the traffic to local port 8080. To avoid infinite loops when the traffic is sent by the proxy container, it is identified by checking whether the UID is 101 to ensure that it won’t be redirect again.
The container image
is simply a Ubuntu Linux distro base image with iptables
The complete YAML manifest will look like below.
We can verify it by running curl and we can see the response of /get, it responses HTTP 200 OK.
We can verify the headers were added by the proxy by running checking the logs of the proxy container. We can verify that
header, as well as other headers such as x-amz-content-sha256
, x-amz-date
and x-amz-security-token
will be added into the request.
to the second hostname. Since we have no application code changes, it is possible to connect to multiple Amazon VPC Lattice services.
Using Kyverno to auto inject sidecar and init containers
Now we would like to make use of Kyverno to inject sidecar and init containers automatically. For Clusters with Kyverno installed, we can write a ClusterPolicy
for injection. If any deployment object is annotated with
being true
, the deployment will be patched with sidecar and init containers.
The environment variable AWS_REGION
needs to be specified as well.
With this approach, when Kubernetes deployment YAML is annotated with "true
“, the result is that the deployment will be injected with the sidecar and init containers.
The client YAML:
The sidecar is injected automatically.
The patched YAML manifest will look like:
Also we can verify that the client can access to Amazon VPC Lattice Service successfully:
Cleaning up
To avoid incurring future charges, delete all resources, including the Amazon VPC Lattice resource and Amazon EKS cluster using the following commands:
In the post, we showed you how to implement AWS IAM authentication in Amazon VPC Lattice with the following solution:
- Use an init container to run
commands to intercept traffic to VPC Lattice - Use Kyverno to inject sidecar and init containers automatically
- The caller service will be able to connect multiple services with IAM authentication in the VPC Lattice Service Network.
We hope the information shared in the blog can be useful if you are building a solution based on VPC Lattice and you would like to take advantage of IAM Authentication of VPC Lattices to enhance your security posture. For more information about Amazon VPC Lattice, you can refer to the documentation and additional blogs.