Integrate Amazon API Gateway with Amazon EKS
Since 2015, customers have been using Amazon API Gateway to provide scalable and secure entry points for their API services. As customers adopt Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) to orchestrate their services, they have asked us how they can use API Gateway to expose their microservices running in Kubernetes. This post shows you how to use API gateway to provide external connectivity to your services running in an EKS cluster.
API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for you to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. API Gateway provides an entry point to your microservices. It helps you innovate faster by handling common functions such as API throttling, request caching, authorization and access control, monitoring, version management, and security.
Managing API Gateway using AWS Controller for Kubernetes
API Gateway private integrations let you expose services running an EKS cluster to clients outside of your VPC using Network Load Balancers (NLB) and Application Load Balancers (ALB). Currently, customers that use API Gateway to expose their private microservices running in EKS manage their API Gateway configuration separately from their Kubernetes resource definitions. For example, many customers use an infrastructure-as-code tool, like CloudFormation or Terraform, to create API Gateway resources and Helm or a GitOps tool to manage their Kubernetes cluster configuration.
This post will use AWS Controller for Kubernetes (ACK) to create and manage API Gateway resources. ACK is a community-driven project that lets you manage AWS services using the Kubernetes API and tools you are already familiar with, like kubectl. Using ACK, you can create and update AWS service resources, like an S3 bucket or API Gateway API, the same way you create and update a Kubernetes deployment, service, or pod.
IMPORTANT Please be sure to read ACK documentation about release versioning and maintenance phases and note that ACK service controllers in the
maintenance phase are not recommended for production use. Use of ACK controllers inPreview
maintenance phase is subject to the terms and conditions contained in the AWS Service Terms, particularly the Beta Service Participation Service Terms, and apply to any service controllers in aPreview
maintenance phase.
Although this post uses ACK to manage API Gateway, the architecture will remain identical if you choose to create and manage API gateway yourself, either manually or using an infrastructure-as-code tool.
We will create an EKS cluster with managed nodes. We’ll then deploy two sample applications and expose them using an internal Network Load Balancer for each application. Then, we’ll create a VpcLink, and create an API Gateway HTTP API with a route for each application.
You will need the following to complete the tutorial:
Let’s start by setting up environment variables required for the solution:
Create a new EKS cluster using eksctl:
Deploy the AWS Load Balancer Controller
Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs support private integration with NLB and Application Load Balancer (ALB). We’ll use two NLBs to distribute traffic to the sample applications. The steps to integrate ALB and NLB with API Gateway are identical. If you choose to use ALB for load balancing, you’ll also create an ingress resource and configure routing in ingress instead of API Gateway.
Run the following commands to deploy the AWS Load Balancer Controller into your cluster:
Deploy the ACK Controller for API Gateway
The ACK controller for API Gateway will manage API Gateway resources on your behalf. The controller needs IAM permissions to create and update API Gateway resources. We’ll create a Kubernetes service account for the controller that has the required permissions.
Create a service account for ACK:
The ACK team has published Helm chart to install ACK on Amazon ECR Public Gallery. Install ACK using Helm:
Deploy sample applications
We’ll deploy two sample applications and create two corresponding Kubernetes services. The authorservice
service responds with a list of books. The echoserver
service echoes request metadata. Each of these services will have an associated NLB. Each NLB’s listener will correspond to a resource path in API Gateway.
Deploy sample applications:
You can also use a single NLB to expose both applications by creating multiple listeners on the same NLB, and binding target groups associated with the listeners with Kubernetes services as explained here.
Create API Gateway resources
To enable access to a resource in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) through API Gateway, we have to create a VPC Link resource targeted for our VPC and then integrate an API method with a private integration that uses the VpcLink. A VPC link encapsulates connections between API Gateway and targeted VPC resources. When you create a VPC link, API Gateway creates and manages elastic network interfaces for the VPC link in your account.
Create security group for the VPC link:
Create a VPC Link for the internal NLB:
Depending on your AWS Region, you may need to modify the VPC link manifest above to exclude subnets in AZs that don’t support VPC link. You can find the offending subnet by checking the log output of the ACK pod.
For example, in our lab test, the AZ cac1-az4 (in the Canada central region) did not support VPC link, therefore, we had to remove that subnet or else ACK would fail to create the VPC link.
The VPC link can take a few minutes to become available. You can check its status using AWS CLI:
Once the VPC link is available, we can proceed to create an API Gateway API. We’ll create a manifest for API configuration that ACK will use to create an API. The uri
field for each path will map to the ARN of NLB listeners.
Create an API with VPC Link integration:
ACK will create an API Gateway API and routes based on the definition above. If you go to API Gateway in the AWS Management Console, you’ll see a new API along with the two routes ACK created. The $default route configures API Gateway to route to the authorservice
service whereas /meta route traffic will be routed to the echoserver
Each route in API Gateway has an associated NLB (or ALB) listener. The $default route maps to the listener of the NLB for the authorservice. Similarly, the /meta maps to the listener of the echoserver NLB
Create a stage:
ACK populates API resources’ metadata fields to include the API Endpoint and API ID. You can use kubectl to query this information:
kubectl describe api apitest-private-nlb
Invoke API
Let’s test the setup by accessing sample applications using the API Gateway API Endpoint. You can use the following command to find the API Endpoint:
Invoke the authorservice
Invoke the echoserver
service by invoking the meta
If you get {"message":"Service Unavailable"}
error when invoking the API, retry after 30 seconds.
Routing with Application Load Balancer
You can use both NLB and ALB with API Gateway HTTP APIs, API Gateway REST APIs whereas only support private integrations using a NLB. If you use NLB, you’ll use API Gateway routes to route traffic to distinct services. If you choose to use an ALB to expose your services, you’ll use ALB to route traffic to distinct services.
When using ALB, the API’s $default
route will map to the ALB’s listener.
This post showed how to use Amazon API Gateway to expose microservices running in your EKS clusters. API Gateway enables you to create an API frontend for your microservices and includes features such as API version management, API key management, authentication and authorization, and DDoS protection. The AWS Controller for Kubernetes allows you to manage Amazon API Gateway the same way you manage Kubernetes resources like pods, deployments, services, ingresses, and so on.
With ACK, you can define and consume AWS services like API Gateway, Amazon S3, Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS, DynamoDB, and Amazon ECR directly within a Kubernetes cluster. Please see this post to learn more about ACK.