
Tag: Cost

Multi-cluster cost monitoring for Amazon EKS using Kubecost and Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

Introduction Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is a Prometheus-compatible service that monitors and provides alerts on containerized applications and infrastructure at scale. In the previous post, Integrating Kubecost with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus, we discussed how you can integrate Kubecost with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) to get granular visibility into your Amazon […]

Getting visibility into your Amazon EKS Cross-AZ pod to pod network bytes

Getting visibility into your Amazon EKS Cross-AZ pod to pod network bytes

Introduction Many customers use Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) to host their mission-critical applications. As a best practice, we ask our customers to spread their applications across multiple distinct availability zones (AZ). Because “everything fails all the time,” Werner Vogel, CTO, Amazon To achieve high availability, customers deploy Amazon EKS worker nodes (Amazon EC2 […]

Title image for Track costs with detailed billing reports for Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate

Track costs with detailed billing reports for Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate

Many AWS customers use Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) to run container workloads on AWS Fargate because it offers reduced operational complexity with right-sized, on-demand compute for containers. As customers scale their deployments on Fargate, they have expressed a need to track consumption with more specificity, such as usage from individual pods, namespaces, clusters, […]