AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: AWS Toolkit for JetBrains WebStorm

Faster iteration experience for AWS SAM applications in the AWS Toolkits for JetBrains and VS Code

Today, the AWS Toolkits for JetBrains and VS Code released a faster code iteration experience for developing AWS SAM applications. The AWS Toolkits are open source plugins for JetBrains and VS Code IDEs that provide an integrated experience for developing Serverless applications, including assistance for getting started and local step-through debugging capabilities for Serverless applications. […]

Seamlessly connect to RDS and Redshift Instances with the AWS Toolkit for JetBrains

The AWS Toolkit for JetBrains is a plugin for JetBrains’s IDEs that makes it easier to develop applications for AWS. Features include debugging Lambda functions locally, browsing S3 buckets, and viewing CloudWatch Logs. Recently, we announced a new feature to connect to databases instances without leaving your IDE. As of version 1.19 of the Toolkit, […]