AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: AWS Toolkit for VS Code

Faster iteration experience for AWS SAM applications in the AWS Toolkits for JetBrains and VS Code

Today, the AWS Toolkits for JetBrains and VS Code released a faster code iteration experience for developing AWS SAM applications. The AWS Toolkits are open source plugins for JetBrains and VS Code IDEs that provide an integrated experience for developing Serverless applications, including assistance for getting started and local step-through debugging capabilities for Serverless applications. […]

Improvements to the connection experience in the AWS Toolkit for VS Code

AWS Toolkit for VS Code has shipped improvements that help customers setting up a new machine without AWS credentials files (typically in “~/.aws/”—the “.aws” directory of the machine home folder). Setting up credentials is the first step to working with AWS cloud resources, but it’s not a frequent task, so one often needs to read […]

Developing on Amazon Linux 2 using Windows

See how to get the best of both Windows and Linux as your development environment all on the same machine. Run the Amazon Linux 2 distribution via the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 and leverage the Visual Studio Code Remote – WSL extension, AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code, and the AWS SAM CLI to provide a frictionless development experience.

Running a Kubernetes Job in Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate Using AWS StepFunctions

In a previous AWS Blog, I shared an application orchestration process to run Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Tasks on AWS Fargate using AWS Step Functions. This blog will be similar continuation but here we will be running the same application on Amazon EKS as a Kubernetes job on Fargate using StepFunctions. Amazon EKS […]

Introducing AWS SSO support in the AWS Toolkit for VS Code

With the latest release, you can get connected with AWS SSO in the AWS Toolkit for VS Code. To get started you will need the following prerequisites: Configured single sign-on by enabling AWS SSO, managing your identity source, and assigning SSO access to AWS accounts. For more, information see Using AWS SSO Credentials docs as […]

AWS StateMachine Visualization in VSCode

Handling Errors, Retries, and adding Alerting to Step Function State Machine Executions

AWS Step Functions allow you to coordinate and stitch together multiple AWS Services into a serverless workflow. Step Function State Machines are created through the use of Amazon States Language – a JSON-based configuration. When it comes to executing a state machine in production, operational features such as retrying failed executions, alerting on failures, and […]

Deploying Step Functions using GitHub Actions

Deploying AWS Step Functions using GitHub Actions

In order to achieve repeatable, secure, and automated deployments, it is necessary to set up a CI/CD pipeline. Typically, the CI/CD pipeline will lint configurations, build, test, and deploy your code and infrastructure using one seamless process. A common best practice for deploying your infrastructure and code to AWS is to tie into a source […]