AWS Developer Tools Blog

Node.js 6 is approaching End-of-Life – upgrade your AWS Lambda functions to the Node.js 10 LTS

This blog was authored by Liz Parody, Developer Relations Manager at NodeSource.


Node.js 6.x (“Boron”), which has been maintained as a long-term stable (LTS) release line since fall of 2016, is reaching its scheduled end-of-life (EOL) on April 30, 2019. After the maintenance period ends, Node.js 6 will no longer be included in Node.js releases. This includes releases that address critical bugs, security fixes, patches, or other important updates.

[Image source]

Recently, AWS has been reminding users to upgrade AWS Lambda functions built on the Node.js 6 runtime to a newer version. This is because language runtimes that have reached EOL are unsupported in Lambda.

Requests for feature additions to this release line aren’t accepted. Continued use of the Node.js 6 runtime after April 30, 2019 increases your exposure to various risks, including the following:

  • Security vulnerabilities – Node.js contributors are constantly working to fix security flaws of all severity levels (low, moderate, and high). In the February 2019 Security Release, all actively maintained Node.js release lines were patched, including “Boron”. After April 30, security releases will no longer be applied to Node.js 6, increasing the potential for malicious attacks.
  • Software incompatibility – Newer versions of Node.js better support current best practices and newer design patterns. For example, the popular async/await pattern to interact with promises was first introduced in the Node.js 8 (“Carbon”) release line. “Boron” users can’t take advantage of this feature. If you don’t upgrade to a newer release line, you miss out on features and improvements that enable you to write better, more performant applications.
  • Compliance issues – This risk applies most to teams in highly regulated industries such as healthcare, finance, or ecommerce. It also applies to those who deal with sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (PII). Exposing these types of data to unnecessary risk can result in severe consequences, ranging from extended legal battles to hefty fines.
  • Poor performance and reliability – The Node.js 10 (“Dubnium”) runtime is significantly faster than Node.js 6, with the capacity to perform twice as many operations per second. Lambda is an especially popular choice for applications that must deliver low latency and high performance. Upgrading to a newer version of the Node.js runtime is a relatively painless way to improve the performance of your application.
  • Higher operating costs – The performance benefits of the Node.js 10 runtime compared to Node.js 6 can directly translate to reduced operational costs. Aside from missing the day-to-day savings, running an unmaintained version of the Node.js runtime also significantly increases the likelihood of unexpected costs associated with an outage or critical issue.

Key differences between Node.js 6 and Node.js 10

Metrics provided by the Node.js Benchmarking working group highlight the performance benefits of upgrading from Node.js 6 to the most recent LTS release line, Node.js 10:

  • Operations per second are nearly two times higher in Node.js 10 versus Node.js 6.
  • Latency has decreased by 65% in Node.js 10 versus Node.js 6.
  • The footprint after load is 35% lower in Node.js 10 versus Node.js 6, resulting in improved performance in the event of a cold start.

While benchmarks don’t always reflect real-world results, the trend is clear that performance is increasing in each new Node.js release. [Data Source]

The most recent LTS release line is Node.js 10 (“Dubnium”). This release line features several enhancements and improvements over earlier versions, including the following:

  • Node.js 10 is the first release line to upgrade to OpenSSL version 1.1.0.
  • Native support for HTTP/2, first added to the Node.js 8 LTS release line, was stabilized in Node.js 10. It offers massive performance improvements over HTTP/1 (including reduced latency and minimized protocol overhead), and adds support for request prioritization and server push.
  • Node.js 10 introduces new JavaScript language capabilities, such as Function.prototype.toString() and mitigations for side-channel vulnerabilities, to help prevent information leaks.

“While there are a handful of new features, the standout changes in Node.js 10.0.0 are improvements to error handling and diagnostics that will improve the overall developer experience.” James Snell, a member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee (TSC) [Quote source]

Upgrade using the N|Solid Lambda layer

AWS doesn’t currently offer the Node.js 10 runtime in Lambda. However, you may want to test the Node.js 10 runtime version in a development or staging environment before rolling out updates to production Lambda functions.

Before AWS adds the Node.js 10 runtime version for Lambda, NodeSource’s N|Solid runtime is available for use as a Lambda layer. It includes a 100%-compatible version for the Node.js 10 LTS release line.

If you install N|Solid as a Lambda layer, you can begin migration and testing before the Node.js 6 EOL date. You can also easily switch to the Node.js 10 runtime provided by AWS when it’s available. Choose between versions based on the Node.js 8 (“Carbon”) and 10 (“Dubnium”) LTS release lines. It takes just a few minutes to get up and running.

First, when you’re creating a function, choose Use custom runtime in function code or layer. (If you’re migrating an existing function, you can change the runtime for the function.)


Next, add a new Lambda layer, and choose Provide a layer version ARN. You can find the latest ARN for the N|Solid Lambda layer here. Enter the N|Solid runtime ARN for your AWS Region and Node.js version (Node.js 8 “Carbon” or Node.js 10 “Dubnium”). This is where you can use Node.js 10.


That’s it! Your Lambda function is now set up to use Node.js 10.

You can also update your functions to use the N|Solid Lambda layer with the AWS CLI.

To update an existing function:

aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name <YOUR_FUNCTION_NAME> --layers arn:aws:lambda:<AWS_REGION>:800406105498:layer:nsolid-node-10:6 --runtime provided

In addition to the Node.js 10 runtime, the Lambda layer provided by NodeSource includes N|Solid. N|Solid for AWS Lambda provides low-impact performance monitoring for Lambda functions. To take advantage of this feature, you can also sign up for a free NodeSource account. After you sign up, you just need to set your N|Solid license key as an environment variable in your Lambda function.

That’s all you have to do to start monitoring your Node.js Lambda functions. After you add your license key, your Lambda function invocations should show up on the Functions tab of your N|Solid dashboard.

For more information, see our N|Solid for AWS Lambda getting started guide.

Upgrade to Node.js 10 LTS (“Dubnium”) outside of Lambda

Not only are workloads in Lambda affected, but you must consider other locations where you’re running Node.js 6. I review three more ways to upgrade your version of Node.js in other compute environments.


One of the best practices for upgrading Node.js versions is using NVM. NVM, or Node Version Manager, lets you manage multiple active Node.js versions.

To install NVM on *nix systems, you can use the install script using cURL.

$ curl -o- | bash

or Wget:

$ wget -qO- | bash

For Windows-based systems, you can use NVM for Windows.

After NVM is installed, you can manage your versions of Node.js with some simple AWS CLI commands.

To download, compile, and install the latest release of Node.js:

$ nvm install node # "node" is an alias for the latest version

To install a specific version of Node.js:

$ nvm install 10.10.0 # or 8.5.0, 8.9.1, etc.

Upgrade manually

To upgrade Node.js without a tool like NVM, you can manually install a new version. NodeSource provides Linux distributions for Node.js, and recommends that you upgrade using the NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions.

To install Node.js 10:

Using Ubuntu

$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash - 
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Using Amazon Linux

$ curl -sL | sudo bash -
$ sudo yum install -y nodejs

Most production applications built on Node.js make use of LTS release lines. We highly recommend that you upgrade any application or Lambda function currently using the Node.js 6 runtime version to Node.js 10, the newest LTS version.

To hear more about the latest release line, check out NodeSource’s webinar, New and Exciting Features Landing in Node.js 12. This release line officially becomes the current LTS version in October 2019.

About the Author

Liz is a self-taught Software Engineer focused on JavaScript, and Developer Relations Manager at NodeSource. She organizes different community events such as JSConf Colombia, Pioneras Developers, Startup Weekend and has been a speaker at EmpireJS, MedellinJS, PionerasDev, and GDG.

She loves sharing knowledge, promoting JavaScript and Node.js ecosystem and participating in key tech events and conferences to enhance her knowledge and network.

The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post.