Front-End Web & Mobile

Category: AWS Step Functions

Invoking AWS Step Functions short- and long-running workflows from AWS AppSync

Invoking AWS Step Functions short- and long-running workflows from AWS AppSync

AWS AppSync is a fully managed GraphQL service allowing developers to easily build GraphQL APIs. AWS AppSync lets developers connect their API various data sources, such as Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, Amazon OpenSearch, and HTTP Data Sources. By utilizing HTTP Data Sources, your AWS AppSync API can be connected to other AWS services. You can invoke AWS […]

Real-time live sports updates with AWS AppSync

This article was written by Stefano Sandrini, Sr. Mobile Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS     AWS AppSync is a fully managed service that allows to deploy serverless GraphQL backends in the AWS Cloud. It provides features that developers can use to create modern data driven applications allowing to easily query multiple databases, microservices, and APIs […]