Front-End Web & Mobile
Deploy a VueJS app with the Amplify Console using AWS CloudFormation
This article was written by Simon Thulbourn, Solutions Architect, AWS.
Developers and Operations people love automation. It gives them the power to introduce repeatability into their applications. The provisioning of infrastructure components is no different. Being able to create and manage resources through the use of AWS CloudFormation is a powerful way to run and rerun the same code to create resources in AWS across accounts.
Today, the Amplify Console launched support for AWS CloudFormation resources to give developers the ability to have reliable and repeatable access to the Amplify Console service. The Amplify Console offers three new resources:
For newcomers, AWS Amplify Console provides a Git-based workflow to enable developers to build, deploy and host web application, whether it’s Angular, ReactJS, VueJS or something else. These web applications can then consume APIs based on GraphQL or Serverless technologies, enabling fullstack serverless applications on AWS.
Working with CloudFormation
As an example, you’ll deploy the Todo example app from VueJS using Amplify Console and the new CloudFormation resources.

You’ll start by forking the Vue repository on GitHub to your account. You have to fork the repository since Amplify Console will want to add a webhook and clone the repository for future builds.
You’ll also create a new personal access token on GitHub since you’ll need one to embed in the CloudFormation. You can read more about creating personal access tokens on GitHub’s website. The token will need the “repo” OAuth scope.
Note: Personal access tokens should be treated as a secret.
You can deploy the Todo application using the CloudFormation template at the end of this blog post. This CloudFormation template will create an Amplify Console App, Branch & Domain with a TLS certificate and an IAM role. To deploy the CloudFormation template, you can either use the AWS Console or the AWS CLI. In this example, we’re using the AWS CLI:
After deploying the CloudFormation template, you need to go into the Amplify Console and trigger a build. The CloudFormation template can provision the resources, but can’t trigger a build since it creates resources but cannot trigger actions.
Diving deeper Into the template
The CloudFormation template needs to be updated to add your forked GitHub URL, and the Oauth token created above, and a custom domain you own. The AmplifyApp resource is your project definition – it is a collection of all the branches (or the AmplifyBranch resource) in your repository. The BuildSpec describes the settings used to build and deploy the branches in your app. In this example, we are deploying an example Todo app, which consists of four files. The Todo app expects a vue.min.js file to be available at:; as a part of the buildspec we made sure the vue.min.js was in the deployment artifact, but not in the right location. We used the CustomRules property to rewrite the URL, transforming the URL from to
The AmplifyDomain resource allows you to connect your domain ( or a subdomain ( so end users can start visiting your site.
To start using Amplify Console’s CloudFormation resources, visit the CloudFormation documentation page.
All of the code in the VueJS repository is licensed under the MIT license and property of Evan You and contributors.