AWS Open Source Blog

Tag: containers

etcd is Now a CNCF Incubating Project

etcd is a distributed key value store that provides a reliable way to manage the coordination state of distributed systems. etcd was first announced in June 2013 by CoreOS (part of Red Hat as of 2018). Since its adoption as part of Kubernetes in 2014, etcd has become a fundamental part of the Kubernetes cluster […]

Pipelines For Container Applications Made Easy with mu

中文版 Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a great way to deploy containerized microservices. mu is an open source tool from Stelligent that makes it easier for developers to get started with microservices on ECS, by simplifying the declaration and administration of the AWS resources required for the ECS cluster, using a CLI. In addition, […]

Cloud Native Computing

Last August, Amazon Web Services joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, where I am representing AWS as the CNCF board member, with Arun Gupta coordinating technical engagement with projects and working groups. We have since made several contributions to CNCF projects: at re:Invent, Andy Jassy announced Amazon EKS, which makes running Kubernetes as a service […]

Run Kubernetes on Your Laptop

A recent survey of 550 members of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation confirmed that Kubernetes is the orchestration platform of choice. The survey also reaffirmed that Amazon Web Services continues to be the leading choice for deploying Kubernetes clusters in the cloud. lists various ways you can easily create a Kubernetes cluster on AWS. […]