Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer

Detect vulnerabilities and automate code reviews with machine learning–powered recommendations

90 days free for up to 100,000 lines of code 

with the AWS Free Tier

How it works

Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer unlocks insights to improve code quality and security.

Diagram of how Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer and CodeGuru Profiler lets developers review and optimize quality and security.
Introduction to Amazon CodeGuru (02:20)
Explore Amazon CodeGuru
With CodeGuru Reviewer, you can log in to the AWS Management Console, commit code to your chosen repository, and create a pull request. The service will then analyze the code for critical issues and provide a recommendation report, where you can see why the issue was flagged, the cost it incurs, and the suggested resolution steps.

Use cases

Accelerate code reviews

Speed up code evaluation and analysis to accurately identify hard-to-find bugs and critical issues.

Learn more about code reviews »

Enhance application security

Bring security reviews directly into continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes, ensuring code follows security best practices.

Learn more about Amazon CodeGuru features »

Improve application performance

Scan the full repository or code base periodically and conduct due diligence to ensure code quality is consistent.

Learn more about code enhancements »

How to get started

Sign up for a free account

Instantly get access to the AWS Free Tier.

Explore Amazon CodeGuru Profiler

Discover how to fine-tune your application performance.

Start building in the console

Get started with CodeGuru Reviewer in the Console.

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