2 years of security updates at no cost
with the AWS Free Tier
How it works
FreeRTOS is an open-source, cloud-neutral real-time operating system that offers a fast, dependable, and responsive kernel. FreeRTOS is freely distributed under the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) open-source license and implemented in over 40 architectures, providing developers with a broad choice of hardware along with a set of prepackaged software libraries.
Use cases
Manage multiple commercial equipment tasks
FreeRTOS supports task scheduling across multiple identical processor cores, such as IoT-activated vending machines running video promotions and beverage selection tasks simultaneously.
Locally collect and process data
Collect data on industrial device system performance and take critical local actions in real time to prevent outages.
Update your devices remotely
Use AWS IoT Device Management with FreeRTOS devices for an integrated OTA update solution to securely maintain and update your devices.
How to get started
Start using FreeRTOS
Program connected microcontroller-based devices and collect data for IoT applications.
Explore features
Learn how FreeRTOS makes low-power devices easier to program, deploy, secure, connect, and manage.
Access qualified partner devices
Build and deliver successful IoT solutions on FreeRTOS.