AWS Innovate

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Eventos / Eventos de parceiros da AWS

O que são eventos de parceiros da AWS?

Os eventos de parceiros da AWS incluem webinars, workshops virtuais e oportunidades de aprendizado presencial.



Quem deve participar?

Os eventos de parceiros da AWS são projetados para envolver diretores de TI, desenvolvedores, cientistas de dados e tomadores de decisão de negócios.

Por que devo participar?

Você encontrará uma variedade de eventos de parceiros da AWS que vão inspirar e educar você, não importa se estiver começando sua jornada para a nuvem ou procurando resolver novos desafios de negócios.

Próximos eventos de parceiros da AWS

Showing results: 1-6
Total results: 99
  • APN Partner Events

    In-person Event
    AWS Partner: HERE

    HERE Auto Tech Day Santa Clara

    Come and be part of HERE Auto Tech Day Santa Clara on October 24, 2024, an event dedicated to some of the most pressing challenges and emerging technologies shaping the automotive industry.
    On Demand
  • AWS Partner Event

    On-Demand Webinar
    Accelerate your cloud journey with industry use cases - to lower costs, enhance agility, and accelerate innovation.

    Together, we innovate on migration, modernization, and build applications for industry

    Together, We Innovate is a virtual event designed to help you accelerate your cloud computing journey with help from trusted Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partners. Sessions are delivered by accredited partners who have demonstrated technical proficiency in specialized solution areas and customers who have successfully used AWS Partner solutions to transform their businesses.

    In this Migrate, Modernize and Build Industry Edition, you will hear from AWS, our partners and leading industry experts share success stories on how they lower costs, enhance agility, and accelerate innovation by migrating, modernizing and building better applications on AWS.

  • APN Partner Events

    In-person Event
    AWS Partner: HERE

    HERE Transportation and Logistics Tech Day Santa Clara

    Come and be part of HERE T&L Tech Day Santa Clara and join HERE Technologies, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and ABI Research, for a day of insights and collaboration on real-world approaches to driving innovation and efficiencies in fleet planning and logistics.
    November 11, 2024
  • APN Partner Events

    In-person Event
    AWS Partner: FICO

    FICO World 25

    Join us from May 6-9 in Hollywood, FL, for FICO World 2025! It’s your chance to network with the world’s leading experts and learn how you can super-power your organization, apply best practices in advancing platform decisioning, and drive financial inclusion. With over 1,400 attendes from around the globe, FICO World gives business leaders ideas for advancing their digital transformation, launching new customer strategies and outsmarting the competition. Register now and secure your analytic edge!
    May 06
  • IoT

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Kore & FreeRTOS

    Achieving Unbrickable MCU FOTA for your FreeRTOS-powered Firmware

    KORE, the global provider of IoT connectivity, and FreeRTOS provide an overview of a microvisor-based approach to secure IoT connectivity by examining the implementation of KORE Microvisor (formerly Twilio Microvisor) on top of the popular FreeRTOS operating system for microcontrollers.

  • Security

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Alert Logic

    How Managed Detection and Response Enables a Startup’s Growth

    In this webinar, hear from security experts at AWS and Alert Logic discuss best security practices for the AWS cloud. In addition, the CISO of a SaaS-based startup joins the conversation and shares how his organization improved their security posture on AWS with Alert Logic Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solutions while maintaining a lean IT team and achieving accelerated launch goals.

    On Demand
1 17

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Outros eventos da AWS

Veja todos os eventos da AWS

A AWS realiza eventos, tanto online como presenciais, juntando a comunidade de computação em nuvem para se conectarem, colaborarem e aprenderem com especialistas da AWS

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Tech Talks da AWS sob demanda

O AWS Online Tech Talks é uma seleção de apresentações online sob demanda que abrange uma ampla gama de tópicos com diversos níveis técnicos. Essas tech talks, ministradas por arquitetos e engenheiros de soluções da AWS, apresentam sessões técnicas, demonstrações ao vivo, exemplos de clientes, além de sessões de perguntas e respostas com especialistas da AWS.

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AWS Summit

As conferências globais da AWS são eventos gratuitos que reúnem a comunidade de computação em nuvem para conectar, colaborar e aprender com a AWS. Participe do AWS Summit e saiba como a nuvem acelera a inovação em empresas de todos os portes.

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