Posted On: Mar 27, 2019

Amazon Web Services is announcing the general availability of Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive, a new Amazon S3 storage class providing secure and durable object storage for long-term retention of data that is accessed rarely in a year. From just $0.00099 per GB-month (less than one-tenth of one cent, or about $1 per TB-month), S3 Glacier Deep Archive offers the lowest cost storage in the cloud, at prices lower than storing and maintaining data in on-premises magnetic tape libraries or archiving data offsite. To get started with S3 Glacier Deep Archive visit:

All objects stored in the S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class are replicated and stored across at least three geographically-dispersed Availability Zones, protected by 99.999999999% durability, and can be restored within 12 hours or less. S3 Glacier Deep Archive also offers a bulk retrieval option, where you can retrieve petabytes of data within 48 hours. With seven different storage class options, Amazon S3 provides the broadest array of cost-optimization options available in the cloud today. S3 Glacier Deep Archive expands our data archiving offerings, enabling you to select the optimal storage class based on storage and retrieval costs, and retrieval times. Choose S3 Glacier when you want retrieval options in minutes for archived data. Choose S3 Glacier Deep Archive when you want the lowest storage cost for archived data that is accessed at most once or twice a year, and you are willing to accept 12 or 48 hour latencies to first byte. S3 Glacier Deep Archive is very easy to use and requires minor configuration changes if you are already familiar with and using the S3 Glacier storage class. S3 Glacier Deep Archive is fully integrated with S3 features including S3 Storage Class Analysis, S3 Object Tagging, S3 Lifecycle policies, S3 Object Lock, Cross-Region Replication, and server-side encryption, including customer-managed keys.

To retrieve data stored in S3 Glacier Deep Archive, you can initiate a “Restore” request using the Amazon S3 APIs or the Amazon S3 Management Console. The Restore creates a temporary copy of your data in the S3 RRS storage class while leaving the archived data intact in S3 Glacier Deep Archive. You can specify the amount of time in days for which the temporary copy is stored in S3. You can then access your temporary copy from S3 through an Amazon S3 GET request on the archived object.

The easiest way to store data in S3 Glacier Deep Archive is to use the S3 PUT API to upload data directly. You can also upload data to S3 Glacier Deep Archive over the Internet or using AWS Direct Connect and the AWS Management Console, AWS Storage Gateway, AWS Command Line Interface, or the AWS Software Development Kit. S3 Glacier Deep Archive is integrated with Tape Gateway, a cloud-based virtual tape library feature of AWS Storage Gateway. With this capability, you can now manage your on-premises tape-based backups and reduce monthly storage costs by choosing to archive your new virtual tapes in either the S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage classes.

The Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class is now generally available in all commercial AWS Regions and AWS GovCloud (US). To learn more about S3 Glacier Deep Archive, please visit Jeff Barr’s News blog and the Amazon S3 Developer Guide, Storage Classes.