Posted On: Mar 28, 2017

You can now simplify your AWS CloudFormation template authoring by inserting references to existing CloudFormation templates using Include Transform. Transforms are declarative statements within CloudFormation templates that instruct CloudFormation how to process your template. Include Transform instructs CloudFormation on where in the main template to inject CloudFormation templates snippets stored in S3 buckets. For example, you can maintain your commonly used resource definitions as template snippets and use Include Transform to retrieve and include them into your main template to create or update stacks. Visit here to learn more.

You can now also use AWS CloudFormation to peer your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with a VPC in another AWS account. A VPC peering connection facilitates traffic between multiple VPCs. For example, if you have multiple AWS accounts, you can use CloudFormation to create VPC peering connections so you can access resources inside your other AWS accounts. Visit here to learn more.

AWS CloudFormation has also added support for new resources:

  • AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey

CloudFormation has also updated support for existing functions and resources:

  • AWS::EC2::VPCPeeringConnection
    • Use the PeerOwnerId property and the PeerRoleArn property to peer with a VPC in another AWS account.
  • AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile
    • Use the InstanceProfileName property to configure an instance profile.
  • AWS::Lambda::Function
    • Use the DeadLetterConfig property to configure how AWS Lambda handles events that it cannot process.
  • AWS::Route53::HealthCheck
    • Use seven new resource sub-property types for the Amazon Route 53 HealthCheckConfig HealthCheckConfig property: AlarmIdentifier, ChildHealthChecks, EnableSNI, HealthThreshold, InsufficientDataHealthStatus, Inverted, and MeasureLatency.
  • AWS::SQS::Queue
  • AWS::S3::Bucket

Please visit our website for more information on AWS CloudFormation: