Posted On: Aug 23, 2018

Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) now supports running containers on GPU-enabled EC2 instances.

Amazon EC2 P3 and P2 instances, featuring NVIDIA GPUs, power some of the most computationally advanced workloads today, including machine learning (ML), high performance computing (HPC), financial analytics, and video transcoding. Previously, using Kubernetes to run containerized workloads on P2 and P3 EC2 instances required customizing the EKS-optimized Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to include the appropriate GPU drivers.

Now, a new Amazon EKS-optimized AMI includes configured NVIDIA drivers for GPU-enabled P2 and P3 EC2 instances. This makes it easy to run advanced workloads that require GPU support using Amazon EKS. 

To learn more, read our blog or visit the Amazon EKS documentation.

Please visit the AWS region table to see all AWS regions where Amazon EKS is available.