Posted On: Feb 26, 2019

Amazon RDS Performance Insights, an advanced database performance monitoring feature that makes it easy to diagnose and solve performance challenges on Amazon RDS databases, supports t2 and t3 instance types.  Support for t2 and t3 instance classes is available on RDS for PostgreSQL and Oracle, selected t3 and t2 instance classes on RDS for MySQL and t3 instance classes on Aurora PostgreSQL. For details on the supported versions, see Performance Insights documentation for Aurora and RDS.

Performance Insights allows both experts and non-experts to detect performance problems with a powerful easy-to-understand dashboard that visualizes database load. You can get started by logging into the Amazon RDS Management Console, enabling Performance Insights for a new or existing database instance, and viewing the Performance Insights dashboard. The Amazon Web Services API and SDK make it easy to integrate Performance Insights data into on-premises and third-party monitoring tools.

Amazon RDS makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale database deployments in the cloud. For more information about Performance Insights, please visit the product page. For regional availability of Performance Insights see the Performance Insights pricing page.