Amazon Aurora Serverless Supports Sharing and Cross-Region Copying of Snapshots

Posted on: Apr 18, 2019

You can now share snapshots of Aurora Serverless DB clusters with other AWS accounts or publicly. We are also giving you the ability to copy Aurora Serverless DB cluster snapshots across AWS regions.  

Authorized AWS accounts can restore a DB cluster directly from the shared DB cluster snapshot without copying it. DB cluster snapshots could be shared for a variety of scenarios, for example, when you use different AWS accounts for separation of development and production environments, share data with partners, or collaborate publicly on research projects. Copying DB cluster snapshots to another AWS region allows you to keep a copy of your data for disaster recovery. You may also copy DB cluster snapshots to other regions for database migration.  

Share or copy your DB cluster snapshots with just a few clicks on the AWS management console or alternatively, use the latest AWS SDK or CLI. Refer our documentation for more information.