Posted On: Sep 16, 2021

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) now supports R5b database (DB) instances for MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. R5b DB instances support up to 3x the I/O operations per second (IOPS) and 3x the bandwidth on Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) compared to the latest x86-based memory-optimized DB instances (R5) available in Amazon RDS for MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. R5b DB instances are a great choice for IO-intensive DB workloads.

You can launch new R5b DB instances with a single click in the Amazon RDS Management Console or via a single command in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). If you want to upgrade your existing Amazon RDS DB instance to R5b, you can do so on the Modify DB Instance page in the Amazon RDS Management Console or via the AWS CLI. Amazon RDS R5b DB instances are supported on MySQL version 8.0.25 and higher, and PostgreSQL version 12.5 and higher. For more details, refer to the Amazon RDS User Guide.

R5b DB instances are available for Amazon RDS for MySQL and PostgreSQL databases in the AWS US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Frankfurt), and Asia Pacific (Singapore, Tokyo) regions. They are offered in 8 sizes, providing up to 96 vCPUs, 768 GiB of memory, 25 Gbps of networking bandwidth, and 60 Gbps of Amazon EBS bandwidth.

For complete information on pricing and regional availability, please refer to the Amazon RDS pricing page. Launch an R5b DB instance for Amazon RDS for MySQL and PostgreSQL in the Amazon RDS Management Console or using the AWS CLI today.