AWS Marketplace

Category: Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)

Automate multi-account IP address management in AWS with BlueCat and AWS Control Tower Automate multi-account IP address management in AWS with BlueCat and AWS Control Tower

Automate multi-account IP address management in AWS with BlueCat and AWS Control Tower

As your AWS footprint grows and your business needs evolve, having a multi-account strategy is a best practice to achieve better segregation of workloads, improved agility, and tighter governance. On top of managing multiple Virtual Private Clouds (VPC) in AWS, many customers also have hybrid environments where on-premises networks are connected to AWS via site-to-site […]

Sysdig AWS Control Tower featured image blog

Unified multi-account security and compliance with Sysdig Secure and AWS Control Tower

Managing security across multiple cloud accounts can be complicated and error-prone if you’re taking a manual, piecemeal approach. As you scale, misconfigurations and missed accounts and services can leave you exposed. Automation can help you maintain speed and agility for DevOps and security teams. To quickly onboard and manage security for multiple accounts in AWS, […]

AWS Control Tower Lacework blog post

Securing your AWS Control Tower multi-account environment with Lacework

For enterprise organizations, managing security and governance across hundreds or thousands of accounts can be challenging. AWS Control Tower and Lacework make this task much easier and enable seamless multi-account cloud security. By using Lacework in your AWS Control Tower environment, you can automatically and consistently apply security best practices and monitoring to new accounts […]