AWS Business Intelligence Blog

Measure the adoption of your Amazon QuickSight dashboards and view your BI portfolio in a single pane of glass

October 2024: This post was reviewed and updated with code changes to the AWS CloudFormation template

Amazon QuickSight is a fully managed, cloud-native business intelligence (BI) service. If you plan to deploy enterprise-grade QuickSight dashboards, measuring user adoption and usage patterns is an important ingredient for the success of your BI investment. For example, knowing the usage patterns like geo location, department, and job role can help you fine-tune your dashboards to the right audience. Furthermore, to return the investment of your BI portfolio, with dashboard usage, you can reduce license costs by identifying inactive QuickSight authors.

In this post, we introduce the latest Admin Console, an AWS packaged solution that you can easily deploy and use to create a usage and inventory dashboard for your QuickSight assets. The Admin Console helps identify usage patterns of an individual user and dashboards. It can also help you track which dashboards and groups you have or need access to, and what you can do with that access, by providing more details on QuickSight group and user permissions and activities and QuickSight asset (dashboards, analyses, and datasets) permissions. With timely access to interactive usage metrics, the Admin Console can help BI leaders and administrators make a cost-efficient plan for dashboard improvements. Another common use case of this dashboard is to provide a centralized repository of the QuickSight assets. QuickSight artifacts consists of multiple types of assets (dashboards, analyses, datasets, and more) with dependencies between them. Having a single repository to view all assets and their dependencies can be an important element in your enterprise data dictionary.

This post demonstrates how to build the Admin Console using a serverless data pipeline. With basic AWS knowledge, you can create this solution in your own environment within an hour. Alternatively, you can dive deep into the source code to meet your specific needs.

Admin Console dashboard

The following animation displays the contents of our demo dashboard.

The Admin Console dashboard includes six sheets:

  • Landing Page – Provides drill-down into each detailed tabs.
  • User Analysis – Provides detailed analysis of the user behavior and identifies active and inactive users and authors.
  • Dashboard Analysis – Shows the most commonly viewed dashboards.
  • Assets Access Permissions – Provides information on permissions applied to each asset, such as dashboard, analysis, datasets, data source, and themes.
  • Data Dictionary – Provides information on the relationships between each of your assets, such as which analysis was used to build each dashboard, and which datasets and data sources are being used in each analysis. It also provides details on each dataset, including schema name, table name, columns, and more.
  • Overview – Provides instructions on how to use the dashboard.

You can interactively play with the sample dashboard in the following Interactive Dashboard Demo.

Let’s look at Forwood Safety, an innovative, values-driven company with a laser focus on fatality prevention. An early adopter of QuickSight, they collaborated with AWS to deploy this solution to collect BI application usage insights.

“Our engineers love this admin console solution,” says Faye Crompton, Leader of Analytics and Benchmarking at Forwood. “It helps us to understand how users analyze critical control learnings by helping us to quickly identify the most frequently visited dashboards in Forwood’s self-service analytics and reporting tool, FAST.”

Solution overview

The Admin console dashboard can be created using two distinct approaches:

  1. Using AWS Lambda function: Use this method if your account contains a smaller number of QuickSight assets.
  2. Using AWS Glue Python Shell job: Use this method if your account has a larger quantity of QuickSight assets (Like Dashboard, dataset, data source, user, groups and namespace) or if the above AWS Lambda function approach is unable to retrieve them due to a 15 mins timeout constraint. This should be your preferred solution in such cases.

The following diagram illustrates the workflow of the solution.

Above workflow involves the following steps:

  1. The AWS Lambda function/AWS Glue Python Shell job is scheduled to run hourly on regular basis. This process calls QuickSight APIs to get the QuickSight namespace, group, user, and asset access permissions information and save the results into Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
  2. AWS CloudTrail logs are stored in an S3 bucket.
  3. Based on the file in Amazon S3 that contains user-group information, dataset information, QuickSight assets access permissions information, as well as dashboard views and user login events from the CloudTrail logs, five Amazon Athena tables are created. Optionally,
    1. You can access the Amazon S3 data using Amazon Redshift spectrum tables
    2. Also, the BI engineer can combine these tables with employee information tables to display human resource information of the users.
  4. Four QuickSight datasets fetch the data from the Athena tables created in Step 3 and import them into SPICE. Then, based on these datasets, a QuickSight dashboard is created.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Create solution resources

We can create all the resources needed for this dashboard using three CloudFormation templates: one for Lambda functions or AWS Glue Python Shell job, one for Athena tables, and one for QuickSight objects

CloudFormation template for Lambda functions

This template creates the Lambda functions data_prepare and dataset_info and S3 bucket.

  • Choose Launch Stack and follow the steps to create these resources.

After the stack creation is successful, you have two Lambda functions, data_prepare and dataset_info, and one S3 bucket named admin-console[AWS-account-ID]. You can verify if the Lambda function can run successfully and if the group_membership, object_access, datasets_info, and data_dictionary folders are created in the S3 bucket under admin-console[AWS-account-ID]/monitoring/quicksight/, as shown in the following screenshots.

The data_prepare Lambda function is scheduled to run hourly with the CloudWatch Events rule admin-console-every-hour. This function calls the QuickSight Assets APIs to get QuickSight users, assets, and the access permissions information. Finally, this function creates two files, group_membership.csv and object_access.csv, and saves these files to an S3 bucket.

The dataset_info Lambda function is scheduled to run hourly and calls the QuickSight Assets APIs to get datasets, schemas, tables, and fields (columns) information. Then this function creates two files, datasets_info.csv and data_dictionary.csv, and saves these files to an S3 bucket.

[Optional] CloudFormation template for AWS Glue Python Shell job

If the above Lambda function experiences timeouts when invoking QuickSight APIs to generate the required datasets for the Admin dashboard, then deploy Glue jobs to generate the datasets. To implement this:

    • Login to the AWS account where the Lambda function was deployed.
    • In the S3 console, delete all folders created in bucket admin-console[AWS-account-ID].
    • Navigate to CloudFormation, delete the adminconsolelambdafunction stack to remove resources (i.e. Two lambda functions and one S3 bucket) from the Lambda deployment.
    • Select a launch stack below to create a Glue Python Shell job that copies Python scripts ( and from the AWS common S3 bucket to the aws-glue-assets-{account_id}-{region} S3 bucket in your account. Creating the Glue job this way will allow you to modify or update the QuickSight assets collection script as needed. The CloudFormation template will create the Glue job, a Glue On-Demand trigger, the aws-glue-assets-{account_id}-{region} S3 bucket, and an IAM role for the Glue job.

  • Before deploying the CloudFormation stack, verify whether the S3 bucket named aws-glue-assets-{AccountId}-{Region} already exists in the target account. If the bucket does not exist, set the ShouldCreateGlueAssetsBucket parameter to TRUE in order to create it. If the bucket already exists, set the parameter to FALSE since a new bucket does not need to be created.
  • Navigate to the Glue Trigger page and start copyadminconsolegluescriptsschedule trigger.
  • Choose the below launch stack to create two Glue Python Shell jobs, two Glue triggers scheduled to run every 3 hours, and one S3 bucket. The Glue jobs call QuickSight APIs to get namespace, group, user, and asset access permissions information from QuickSight and save the results to the Amazon S3 bucket.

  • In the Glue console, manually run the adminconsoledatasetdashboardinfo and adminconsoleuserdataaccessinfo jobs to quickly generate the datasets instead of waiting for the next scheduled run.
  • Verify the data is available in the admin-console[AWS-account-ID] S3 bucket after the jobs complete.
  • If data is in the S3 bucket, continue deployment of the remaining modules.

Enable CloudTrail Log

  • Create a CloudTrail log if you don’t already have one and note down the S3 bucket name of the log files for future use.
  • Note down all the resources created from the previous steps. If the S3 bucket name for the CloudTrail log from step 2 is different from the one in step 1’s output, use the S3 bucket from step 2.

CloudFormation template for Athena tables (Revised)

To create your Athena tables, complete the following steps:

The following table summarizes the keys and values you use when creating the Athena tables with the next CloudFormation stack.

Key Value Description
CloudtrailLocation for example: cloudtrail-awslogs-[aws-account-id]-do-not-delete/AWSLogs/[aws-account-id] The Amazon S3 location of the CloudTrail log without s3:// and without a trailing slash
StartDateParameter for example: 2023/02/01 The date for the first log CloudTrail delivered to that location, in YYYY/MM/DD format

You can find the location of your CloudTrail logs in the CloudTrail management console:

And the date of the first log file delivered by CloudTrail in the S3 management console:

Choose the below Launch Stack to create the Athena tables.

After a successful deployment, you have a database called admin-console created in AwsDataCatalog in Athena and three tables in the database: cloudtrail_logs_pp, group_membership, object_access, datasets_info and data_dict.

  • Confirm the tables via the Athena console.

The following screenshot shows sample data of the group_membership table.

The following screenshot shows sample data of the object_access table.

For instructions on building an Athena table with CloudTrail events, see Amazon QuickSight Now Supports Audit Logging with AWS CloudTrail.

  • After all five tables are created in Athena, go to the security permissions on the QuickSight console to enable bucket access for s3://admin-console[AWS-account-ID] and s3://cloudtrail-awslogs-[aws-account-id]-do-not-delete (or the appropriate S3 bucket if you used a different name).
  • Enable Athena access under Security & Permissions.

Now QuickSight can access all five tables through Athena.

CloudFormation template for QuickSight objects

To create the QuickSight objects, complete the following steps:

  • Get the QuickSight admin user’s ARN by running following command in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI):
    aws quicksight describe-user --aws-account-id [aws-account-id] --namespace default --user-name [admin-user-name]

    For example: arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:12345678910:user/default/admin/xyz.

  • Choose Launch Stack to create the QuickSight datasets and dashboard:

  • Provide the ARN you noted earlier.

After a successful deployment, four datasets named Admin-Console-Group-Membership, Admin-Console-dataset-info, Admin-Console-Object-Access, and Admin-Console-CFN-Main are created and you have the dashboard named admin-console-dashboard. If modifying the dashboard is preferred, use the dashboard save-as option, then recreate the analysis, make modifications, and publish a new dashboard.

  • Set your preferred SPICE refresh schedule for the four SPICE datasets, and share the dashboard in your organization as needed.

Dashboard demo

The following screenshot shows the Admin Console Landing page.

The following screenshot shows the User Analysis sheet.

The following screenshot shows the Dashboards Analysis sheet.

The following screenshot shows the Access Permissions sheet.

The following screenshot shows the Data Dictionary sheet.

The following screenshot shows the Overview sheet.

You can interactively play with the sample dashboard in the following Interactive Dashboard Demo.

You can reference the public template of the preceding dashboard in create-template, create-analysis, and create-dashboard API calls to create this dashboard and analysis in your account. The public template of this dashboard with the template ARN is 'TemplateArn': 'arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:889399602426:template/admin-console'.

Tips and tricks

Here are some advanced tips and tricks to build the dashboard as the Admin Console to analyze usage metrics. The following steps are based on the dataset admin_console. You can apply the same logic to create the calculated fields to analyze user login activities.

  • Create parameters – For example, we can create a parameter called InActivityMonths, as in the following screenshot. Similarly, we can create other parameters such as InActivityDays, Start Date, and End Date.

  • Create controls based on the parameters – In the following screenshot, we create controls based on the start and end date.

  • Create calculated fields – For instance, we can create a calculated field to detect the active or inactive status of QuickSight authors. If the time span between the latest view dashboard activity and now is larger or equal to the number defined in the Inactivity Months control, the author status is Inactive. The following screenshot shows the relevant code. According to the end-user’s requirements, we can define several calculated fields to perform the analysis.

  • Create visuals – For example, we create an insight to display the top three dashboard views by reader and a visual to display the authors of these dashboards.

  • Add URL actions – You can add an URL action to define some extra features to email inactive authors or check details of users.

The following sample code defines the action to email inactive authors:

mailto:<<email>>?subject=Alert to inactive author! &body=Hi, <<username>>, any author without activity for more than a month will be deleted. Please log in to your QuickSight account to continue accessing and building analyses and dashboards!

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete all the resources you created with the CloudFormation templates.


This post discussed how BI administrators can use QuickSight, CloudTrail, and other AWS services to create a centralized view to analyze QuickSight usage metrics. We also presented a serverless data pipeline to support the Admin Console dashboard.

If you would like to have a demo, please email us.

Join the Quicksight Community to ask, answer and learn with others and explore additional resources.


We can perform some additional sophisticated analysis to collect advanced usage metrics. For example, Forwood Safety raised a unique request to analyze the readers who log in but don’t view any dashboard actions (see the following code). This helps their clients identify and prevent any wasting of reader sessions fees. Leadership teams value the ability to minimize uneconomical user activity.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "loginwithoutviewdashboard" AS
with login as
(SELECT COALESCE("useridentity"."username", "split_part"("useridentity"."arn", '/', 3)) AS "user_name", awsregion,
date_parse(eventtime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%sZ') AS event_time
FROM cloudtrail_logs
eventname = 'AssumeRoleWithSAML'
GROUP BY  1,2,3),
dashboard as
(SELECT COALESCE("useridentity"."username", "split_part"("useridentity"."arn", '/', 3)) AS "user_name", awsregion,
date_parse(eventtime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%sZ') AS event_time
FROM cloudtrail_logs
eventsource = ''
eventname = 'GetDashboard'
GROUP BY  1,2,3),
users as 
(select Namespace,
when Group in (‘quicksight-fed-bi-developer’, ‘quicksight-fed-bi-admin’)
then ‘Author’
else ‘Reader’
as author_status
from "group_membership" )
select l.* 
from login as l 
join dashboard as d 
join users as u 
on l.user_name=d.user_name 
where d.event_time>(l.event_time + interval '30' minute ) 

About the Authors

Ying Wang is a Manager of Software Development Engineer. She has 12 years of expertise in data analytics and science. She assisted customers with enterprise data architecture solutions to scale their data analytics in the cloud during her time as a data architect. Currently, she helps customer to unlock the power of Data with QuickSight from engineering by delivering new features.

Ian Liao is a Senior Data Visualization Architect at AWS Professional Services. Before AWS, Ian spent years building startups in data and analytics. Now he enjoys helping customer to scale their data application on the cloud.

Maitri Brahmbhatt is a Business Intelligence Engineer at AWS. She helps customers and partners leverage their data to gain insights into their business and make data driven decisions by developing QuickSight dashboards.

Balaji Selva Rajan is a Sr. Technical Account Manager in AWS Enterprise support, where he helps Enterprise Support customers to build and design scalable, highly-available, secure, resilient and cost-effective applications. While not working, he enjoys hiking, watching true story documentary/series and traveling to new places.

Marcelo Coronel is a Solutions Architect at AWS, based in London. He works with digital native businesses, focusing on the gaming industry and data analytics. In his spare time, he rides his motorbike and continuously upgrades his gaming PC.

Audit History

Last reviewed in September 2024 by Marcelo Coronel | Senior Solutions Architect