
Announcing AWS Fault Injection Simulator new features for Amazon ECS workloads


We are happy to announce new features in AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) that allow you to inject a variety faults into workloads running in Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). This blog shows how to use new AWS FIS actions with Amazon ECS.

AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) is a fully managed service that helps you test your applications for resilience to failures. AWS FIS follows the principles of chaos engineering, which allows you to simulate failures in your AWS environment. These can be network outages, infrastructure failure, and service disruptions. AWS FIS experiments help you identify and fix potential problems before they cause outages in production.

New Amazon ECS Task actions

AWS FIS has added six new fault injection actions that target Amazon ECS workloads. New Amazon ECS task actions include stressing a ECS task’s CPU (Central Processing Unit), I/O, killing a process, and network actions like network blackhole, latency, and packet loss. These actions make it easy for you to evaluate your application’s reliability and resilience across a wide range of failure scenarios. If you are using AWS Fargate, you have the ability to conduct CPU and I/O actions.

Action Identifier Description Applicable Compute Engine
aws:ecs:task-cpu-stress Simulates CPU stress
Configurable parameters are the duration of the CPU stress test, the target CPU load percentage, and the number of CPU stressors
Amazon EC2 and AWS Fargate
aws:ecs:task-io-stress Simulates I/O stress
Configurable parameters are the duration of the I/O stress test, the percentage of free space on the file system to use during the test and the number of mixed I/O stressors to use
Amazon EC2 and AWS Fargate
aws:ecs:task-kill-process Simulates killing certain process
Configurable parameters are the name of the process to stop, the signal to send along with the command
Amazon EC2 only
aws:ecs:task-network-blackhole-port Simulates a discarding network traffic
Configurable parameters are the duration of the network blackhole, the port number and the protocol
Amazon EC2 only
aws:ecs:task-network-latency Simulates a network latency
Configurable parameters are the duration of the network latency, the network interface, the delay/ms, the jitter/ms, and the sources
Amazon EC2 only
aws:ecs:task-network-packet-loss Simulates a network packet loss
Configurable parameters are the duration of the network packet loss, the network interface, the percentage of packet loss and the sources
Amazon EC2 only

Amazon ECS Task actions under the hood

The following diagram shows how AWS FIS injects faults in Amazon ECS tasks. AWS FIS uses AWS Systems Manager SSM Agent to execute AWS FIS actions in Amazon ECS tasks. The SSM Agent sidecar enables AWS FIS to create a managed instance associated with your Amazon ECS tasks, which is required for injecting the faults by AWS FIS. This helps customer troubleshoot and get insights by Systems Manager Run Command. To conduct AWS FIS experiments in your workload, you add SSM Agent sidecar containers in your task definition.

Diagram shows how AWS FIS injects faults in Amazon ECS tasks


In the following sections, we walk through the steps for AWS FIS experiment:

  1. Setup infrastructure and deploy sample app
  2. Unpack the generated Amazon ECS task Definition
  3. Grant AWS FIS permissions to run experiments
  4. Create an experiment to increase CPU stress
  5. Create an experiment to kill a process in an Amazon ECS task


For this walkthrough, you’ll need the following:

Step 1: Deploy the base infrastructure

We’ll use AWS CDK to create the base infrastructure, which includes an Amazon VPC (Amazon Virtual Private Cloud), an Amazon ECS Cluster, AWS IAM (AWS Identity and Access Management) roles, and two Amazon EC2 instances, as well as Amazon ECS service for experimenting with AWS FIS. The code is available on ecs-blueprints github repository.

Clone the sample code repository:

git clone
cd ecs-blueprints/cdk/examples/fis_service/
Apache Configuration

Setup the AWS Account and AWS Region environment variables to match your environment. We’ll then generate a .env file to be used by ECS Blueprint CDK template. In this post, we’ll use the Oregon region (us-west-2) for our examples.

export AWS_ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text)
export AWS_REGION=${AWS_REGION:=us-west-2}

-e "s/<REGION>/$AWS_REGION/g" sample.env > .env
Apache Configuration

Follow steps are required:

# manually create a virtualenv: 
python3 -m venv .venv

# activate your virtualenv:
source .venv/bin/activate

# install the required dependencies: 
python -m pip install -r ../../requirements.txt
Apache Configuration

Bootstrap CDK if this is your first time using CDK to create infrastructure:

cdk bootstrap aws://${AWS_ACCOUNT}/${AWS_REGION}
Apache Configuration

We’ll use CDK to create an Amazon ECS cluster, and run sample application within it to AWS FIS actions. We recommend deploying this stack in a non-production account.

Deploy the CDK stack using below command:

cdk deploy --all --require-approval never
Apache Configuration

Step 2: Inspect the generated Amazon ECS Task definition

The CDK code creates an Amazon ECS cluster, a task definition, two m5.large Amazon EC2 instances, and a load-balanced service. This task comprises of a web application container and SSM Agent running as a sidecar container. The sidecar is configured to be essential in the task definition. So, if the sidecar stops, Amazon ECS terminates the task and start a replacement task. The sidecar runs activation script to register Amazon ECS tasks as managed instances in AWS Systems Manager.

The sidecar assumes MANAGED_INSTANCE_ROLE_NAME AWS IAM role to register the Amazon ECS task as a managed instance in AWS Systems Manager. AWS FIS uses AWS Systems Manager to inject faults in Amazon ECS tasks. The role has AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore policy and the following permissions attached:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": "ssm:DeleteActivation",
            "Resource": "*",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": "ssm:DeregisterManagedInstance",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ssm:${AWS_REGION}:${AWS_ACCOUNT}:managed-instance/*",
            "Effect": "Allow"
Apache Configuration

The Amazon ECS Task IAM role has the following permissions:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": "iam:PassRole",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT}:role/{MANAGED_INSTANCE_ROLE_NAME}",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Effect": "Allow"
Apache Configuration

Step 3: Grant AWS FIS permissions to run experiments in your account

The AWS FIS service uses AWS IAM roles to perform experiments in customer accounts. Create a trust policy for AWS FIS’s IAM role:

cat > fis-trust-policy.json << EOF
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": [
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
Apache Configuration

Create an AWS IAM role for AWS FIS:

aws iam create-role --role-name ecs-fis-role \
 --assume-role-policy-document file://fis-trust-policy.json
Apache Configuration

Add the AWS IAM permissions this experiment needs to inject fault in Amazon ECS tasks:

cat > fis-ecs-experiment-policy.json << EOF
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*"
Apache Configuration

Add the AWS IAM permissions this experiment needs to inject fault in Amazon ECS tasks:

aws iam put-role-policy --role-name ecs-fis-role \
  --policy-name ecs-fis-policy \
  --policy-document file://fis-ecs-experiment-policy.json
Apache Configuration

AWS FIS provides controls and guardrails for you to run experiments safely. We can implement a stop condition based on an Amazon CloudWatch alarm that stops the experiment when the alarm gets triggered.

We’ll set the stop condition to track the number of tasks running. The sample service runs three tasks by default. If the experiment crashes the task and causes the number of task replicas to go below three, then AWS FIS ends the experiment immediately to prevent further service disruption.

Create an Amazon CloudWatch alarm:

aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm \
  --alarm-name 'ECS Sample service task count alarm' \
  --actions-enabled \
  --metric-name 'RunningTaskCount' \
  --namespace 'ECS/ContainerInsights' \
  --statistic 'Average' \
  --dimensions '[{"Name":"ServiceName","Value":"fis-service"},{"Name":"ClusterName","Value":"ecs-blueprint-infra"}]' \
  --period 300 \
  --evaluation-periods 1 \
  --datapoints-to-alarm 1 \
  --threshold 3 \
  --comparison-operator 'LessThanThreshold' \
  --treat-missing-data 'missing' \
  --region $AWS_REGION
Apache Configuration

Step 4: Create an experiment to stress task’s CPU

A CPU stress test analyzes your application’s performance under heavy CPU usage. When your application is starved for CPU resources, its response time increases. Stress testing CPU can help you determine the robustness of your workload and customer impact when the underlying system is under heavy load. Observing your application’s behavior during CPU stress can uncover systemic weaknesses that can cause disruption or problems with data integrity.

For example, if your applications call a remote procedure, during CPU stress events, it may take longer to complete the operation. As a result, you may have to tune your timeouts or implement retries. If your application takes longer to respond to client requests, you may want to scale your application in your service to compensate for heavy system load.

Let’s create an AWS FIS experiment template to stress the CPU in 66% (2/3) of the three tasks backing the Amazon ECS service. You can target tasks using ARNs (Amazon Resource Names), tags, filters, and parameters.

Here’s the reason we selected 66%: this cluster runs three tasks on two Amazon EC2 instances. It’s possible that high CPU utilization in one node affects two tasks at a time. You’d want to choose the disruption percent based on your cluster setup.

Create an experiment template:

cat > fis-ecs-experiment-template-cpu-stress.json << EOF
  "description": "ecs-task-cpu-stress",
  "targets": {
    "Tasks-Target-1": {
      "resourceType": "aws:ecs:task",
      "parameters": {
        "cluster": "ecs-blueprint-infra",
        "service": "fis-service"
      "selectionMode": "PERCENT(66)"
  "actions": {
    "ecs-task-cpu": {
      "actionId": "aws:ecs:task-cpu-stress",
      "parameters": {
        "duration": "PT5M"
      "targets": {
        "Tasks": "Tasks-Target-1"
  "stopConditions": [
         "source": "aws:cloudwatch:alarm",
         "value": "arn:aws:cloudwatch:${AWS_REGION}:${AWS_ACCOUNT}:alarm:ECS Sample service task count alarm"
  "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT}:role/ecs-fis-role",
  "tags": {}

FIS_EXPERIMENT_TEMPLATE_ID=$(aws fis create-experiment-template \
  --region $AWS_REGION \
  --tags Name=ecs-cpu-stress \
  --cli-input-json file://fis-ecs-experiment-template-cpu-stress.json \
  --query '' \
  --output text)
Apache Configuration

This experiment targets all tasks attached to the sample service deployed in the previous steps. The experiment runs for 5 minutes.

Start the experiment:

aws fis start-experiment \
  --experiment-template-id $FIS_EXPERIMENT_TEMPLATE_ID \
  --region $AWS_REGION
Apache Configuration

Head over to Amazon ECS console, select Clusters, select the ecs-blueprint-infra cluster, then in the Services tab select fis-service, and navigate to ECS service’s Health and metrics tab.

ECS console with ECS FIS service

You can observe an increase in CPU utilization in approximately 5 to 10 minutes. You may have to wait up to 5 minutes to see updates in the graph.

ECS console with ECS FIS service CPU utilization metric

During the experiment, the 95th percentile response time increased from approximately 200 to 430 ms. To handle such an event, we can either increase the size of the Amazon EC2 instances or add more tasks to handle traffic while the CPU resources in a set of tasks are starved.

Metrics during experiment to stress task's CPU

Wait for the experiment to complete (the experiment runs for 5 minutes) or end the experiment before proceeding to the next step.

Step 5: Use AWS FIS to kill a process in an Amazon ECS task

In our next experiment, we’ll use AWS FIS to kill a process in the task. The sample workload we’ve deployed runs a web application using by Flask. The web application container is the essential container in the task. When the python process is killed, Amazon ECS stops the task and creates a new task. We’ll use AWS FIS to kill the python process in the web application container, which forces Amazon ECS to create new tasks.

Killing a process helps you determine the business impact of a process terminating unexpectedly. If the process is essential to the workload, then you can also observe the downstream impact while Amazon ECS creates a new task to replace the failed task. If the recovery time is longer and causes business interruption, then you may want to increase the replica count to account unexpected failure. If the process is not essential, then you can implement a graceful termination procedure in your workload to minimize disruption.

The sample service runs three tasks. We’ll kill the essential process in 1 out of the 3 tasks. Since the application is operating at 33% capacity, the downstream impact is expected to be an increase in response latency and timeouts (5xx errors in Application Load Balancer).

Create a new experiment template:

cat > fis-ecs-experiment-template-kill-proc.json << EOF
  "description": "ecs-task-kill-process",
  "targets": {
    "Tasks-Target-1": {
      "resourceType": "aws:ecs:task",
      "parameters": {
        "cluster": "ecs-blueprint-infra",
        "service": "fis-service"
      "selectionMode": "COUNT(1)"
  "actions": {
    "ecs-task-kill-proc": {
      "actionId": "aws:ecs:task-kill-process",
      "parameters": {
        "processName": "python"
      "targets": {
        "Tasks": "Tasks-Target-1"
  "stopConditions": [
      "source": "none"
  "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT}:role/ecs-fis-role",
  "tags": {}

FIS_EXPERIMENT_ID=$(aws fis create-experiment-template \
  --region $AWS_REGION \
  --tags Name=ECS-kill-process \
  --cli-input-json file://fis-ecs-experiment-template-kill-proc.json \
  --query '' \
  --output text)
Apache Configuration

Head over to the Amazon ECS Console again, select the Amazon ECS service named fis-service and navigate to the Tasks tab. Change the task list filtering condition from Running tasks to All tasks as shown below. Keep this tab open, when we start the experiment, one of the tasks will fail.

ECS console with ECS FIS service's Tasks

Now, start the experiment:

aws fis start-experiment \
  --experiment-template-id $FIS_EXPERIMENT_ID \
  --region $AWS_REGION
Apache Configuration

After a few seconds, Amazon ECS stops the task as AWS FIS kills the python process in the essential container. Select the stopped task associated with AWS FIS Service. You’ll see below error message in the Amazon ECS Console.

ECS console with ECS FIS service's stopped Task

We used Locust to send traffic to the web application to visualize the impact of the experiment. As you can see, users would’ve experienced errors while accessing the site when AWS FIS killed the essential process. At the same time, P95 latency shot up because there weren’t enough tasks to handle requests.

Metrics during experiment to kill a process in an ECS task

ALB metrics show an increase in 5xx errors while Amazon ECS replaced the terminated task:

ALB metrics during experiment to kill a process in an ECS task

Please note that the aws:ecs:task-kill-process action requires PID(Process ID) mode to be set to task in the Amazon ECS task definition. Amazon ECS runs containers in private namespace by default. When PID mode is set to task, all containers within the task share the process namespace. Being in the same process namespace allows the sidecar container to terminate other processes running in the task.

Cleaning up

export AWS_PAGER=""
# Get experiment ids
fis_expmt1=$(aws fis list-experiment-templates --query 'experimentTemplates[?description == `ecs-task-kill-process`].id' --output text)
fis_expmt2=$(aws fis list-experiment-templates --query 'experimentTemplates[?description == `ecs-task-cpu-stress`].id' --output text)

# Delete the alarm 
aws cloudwatch delete-alarms --alarm-names 'ECS Sample service task count alarm' --region $AWS_REGION

# Delete experiments
aws fis delete-experiment-template --id $fis_expmt1
aws fis delete-experiment-template --id $fis_expmt2

# Delete ecs-fis IAM role
aws iam delete-role-policy --role-name ecs-fis-role --policy-name ecs-fis-policy
aws iam delete-role --role-name ecs-fis-role

# Destroy CDK stack
cdk destroy --force –all
Apache Configuration


With AWS FIS, you pay only for what you use. There are no upfront costs or minimum fees. You are charged based on the duration that an action is active. Please see AWS Fault Injection Simulator pricing page for details.

The aws:ecs:task-kill-process action is free because it doesn’t have any duration.

By default, AWS FIS service has a quota on the number of tasks per action to prevent the accidental provisioning of more resources than you need. You can request this quota to be increased via AWS Console.


In this post, we showed you the new AWS FIS actions that make it easy for Amazon ECS customers to practice chaos engineering. We showed how you can increase CPU stress in Amazon ECS tasks as well as how to kill a process. AWS FIS simplifies fault injection by giving you full control over your experiments. AWS FIS provides the controls and guardrails that you need to run experiments in production, such as automatically rolling back or stopping the experiment if specific conditions are met. The new AWS FIS actions help create the real-world conditions needed to uncover application issues in Amazon ECS clusters that can be difficult to find otherwise.

Amazon ECS actions are now available in all AWS Regions where AWS FIS is available, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.