Category: Best Practices

Enhancing Equity Strategy Backtesting with Synthetic Data: An Agent-Based Model Approach – part 2

Developing robust investment strategies requires thorough testing, but relying solely on historical data can introduce biases and limit your insights. Learn how synthetic data from agent-based models can provide an unbiased testbed to systematically evaluate your strategies and prepare for future market scenarios. Part 2 covers implementation details and results.

Enhancing Equity Strategy Backtesting with Synthetic Data: An Agent-Based Model Approach

Developing robust investment strategies requires thorough testing, but relying solely on historical data can introduce biases and limit your insights. Learn how synthetic data from agent-based models can provide an unbiased testbed to systematically evaluate your strategies and prepare for future market scenarios. Part 1 of 2 covers the theoretical foundations of the approach.

Improve engineering productivity using AWS Engineering License Management

Improve engineering productivity using AWS Engineering License Management

This post was contributed by Eran Brown, Principal Engagement Manager, Prototyping Team, Vedanth Srinivasan, Head of Solutions, Engineering & Design, Edmund Chute, Specialist SA, Solution Builder, Priyanka Mahankali, Senior specialist SA, Emerging Domains For engineering companies, the cost of Computer Aided Design and Engineering (CAD/CAE) tools can as high as 20% of product development cost. […]

Optimizing compute-intensive tasks on AWS

Optimizing compute-intensive tasks on AWS

Optimizing workloads for performance and cost-effectiveness is crucial for businesses of all sizes – and especially helpful for workloads in the cloud, where there are a lot of levers you can pull to tune how things run. AWS offers a vast array of instance types in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) – each with […]

Cross-account HPC cluster monitoring using Amazon EventBridge

Cross-account HPC cluster monitoring using Amazon EventBridge

Managing extensive HPC workflows? This post details how to monitor resource consumption without compromising security. Check it out for a customizable reference architecture that sends only relevant data to your monitoring account.