The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog
Access Cross Account Resources Using the AWS IoT Rules Engine
The AWS IoT platform enables you to connect your internet-enabled devices to the AWS cloud via MQTT/HTTP/Websockets protocol. Once connected, the devices can send data to MQTT topic(s). Data ingested on MQTT topics can be routed into AWS services (like Amazon S3, Amazon SQS, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Lambda etc.), by configuring rules in AWS IoT Rules Engine.
This blog post explains how to set up rules for cross-account data ingestion, from an MQTT topic in one account, to a destination in another account. We will focus on the cross-account access from an MQTT topic (the source) to Lambda and SQS (the destinations).
The blog has been written with the assumption that you are familiar with AWS IoT and the Rules Engine, and have a fair understanding of AWS IAM concepts like users, role and resource-based permission.
We are going to use the AWS CLI to setup cross-account rules. If you don’t have AWS CLI installed, you can follow these steps. If you have the AWS CLI installed, make sure you are using the most recent version.
Why do you need cross-account access via rules engine?
Rules with cross-account access allow you to ingest data published on an MQTT topic in one account to a destination (S3, SQS etc.) in another account. For example, Weather Corp collects weather data using its network of sensors and then publishes that data on MQTT topics in its AWS account. Now, if Weather Corp wishes to publish this data to an Amazon SQS queue of its partner, Forecast Corp’s, AWS account, they can do so by enabling cross-account access via the AWS IoT Rules Engine.
How can you configure a cross-account rule?
Cross-account rules can be configured using the resource-based permissions on the destination resource.
Thus, for Weather Corp to create a rule in their account to ingest weather data into an Amazon SQS queue in Forecast Corp’s AWS account, the cross account access can be set up by means of the two step method stated below:
- Forecast Corp creates a resource policy on their Amazon SQS queue, allowing Weather Corp’s AWS account to sqs:SendMessage action.
- Weather Corp configures a rule with the Forecast Corp queue URL as its destination.
Note: Cross-account access, via AWS IoT Rules Engine, needs resource-based permissions. Hence, only destinations that support resource-based permission can be enabled for the cross-account access via AWS IoT Rules Engine. Following is the list of such destinations:
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)
Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
AWS Lambda
Configure a cross-account rule
In this section, configuration of a cross account rule to access an AWS Lambda function and Amazon SQS queue in a different account has been explained. We used the AWS CLI for this configuration.
Steps to configure a cross-account rule for AWS Lambda is different when compared to other AWS services that support resource policy.
For Lambda:
The AWS IoT Rules Engine, mandatorily requires resource-based policy to access Lambda functions; so a cross-account Lambda function invocation is configured just like any other IoT-Lambda rule. The process of enabling cross-account access for Lambda can be understood from the following example:
Assume that Weather Corp, using AWS account# 123456789012, wishes to trigger a Lambda function (LambdaForWeatherCorp) in Forecast Corp’s account (AWS account# 987654321012) via the Rules Engine. Further, Weather Corp wishes to trigger this rule when a message arrives on Weather/Corp/Temperature MQTT topic.
To do this, Weather Corp would need to create a rule (WeatherCorpRule) which will be attached to Weather/Corp/Temperature topic. To create this rule, Weather Corp would need to call the CreateTopicRule API. Here is an example of this API call via AWS CLI:
aws iot create-topic-rule --rule-name WeatherCorpRule --topic-rule-payload file://./lambdaRule
Contents of the lambdaRule file:
{ "sql": "SELECT * FROM 'Weather/Corp/Temperature'", "ruleDisabled": false, "actions": [{ "lambda": { "functionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:987654321012:function:LambdaForWeatherCorp" //Cross account lambda } }] }
Forecast Corp will also have to give the AWS IoT Rules Engine permission to trigger LambdaForWeatherCorp Lambda function. Also, it is very important for Forecast Corp to make sure that only the AWS IoT Rules Engine is able to trigger the Lambda function and that it is done so only on behalf of Weather Corp’s WeatherCorpRule (created above) rule.
To do this, Forecast Corp would need to use Lambda’s AddPermission API. Here is an example of this API call via AWS CLI:
aws lambda add-permission --function-name LambdaForWeatherCorp --region us-east-1 --principal --source-arn arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:rule/WeatherCorpRule --source-account 123456789012 --statement-id "unique_id" --action "lambda:InvokeFunction"
–principal: This field gives permission to AWS IoT (represented by to call the Lambda function.
–source-arn: This field makes sure that only arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:rule/WeatherCorpRule rule in AWS IoT triggers this Lambda (no other rule in the same or different account can trigger this Lambda).
–source-account: This field makes sure that AWS IoT triggers this Lambda function only on behalf of 123456789012 account.
Note: To run the above command, IAM user/role should have permission to lambda:AddPermission action.
For Other Services
As of today, the Rules Engine does not use resource policy to access non-Lambda AWS resources (Amazon SQS, Amazon S3, Amazon SNS ). Instead, it uses IAM role to access these resources in an account. Additionally, AWS IoT rules can only be configured with roles from the same account. This implies, that a rule cannot be created in one account that uses a role from another account.
While, a role from another account cannot be used in a rule, a role can be set up in an account to access resources in another account. Also, for a cross-account role to work, you need a resource policy on the resource that has to be accessed across the account.
The process of rule creation with access to cross-account resources can be understood from the below example:
Let’s assume that Weather Corp, using AWS account# 123456789012, wishes to send some data to Amazon SQS (SqsForWeatherCorp) in Forecast Corp’s account (AWS account# 987654321012) via rules engine. If Weather Corp wishes to trigger this rule when a message arrives on Weather/Corp/Temperature MQTT topic.
To do this, Weather Corp would need to do the following things:
Step 1: Create an IAM policy (PolicyWeatherCorp) that defines cross-account access to SqsForWeatherCorp SQS queue. To do this, Weather Corp would need to call IAM’s CreatePolicy API. Here is an example of this API call via AWS CLI:
aws iam create-policy --policy-name PolicyWeatherCorp --policy-document file://./crossAccountSQSPolicy
Where the contents of crossAccountSQSPolicy file are below:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": “unique”, "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "sqs:SendMessage" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:987654321012:SqsForWeatherCorp" //Cross account SQS queue ] } ] }
Step 2: Create a role (RoleWeatherCorp) that defines as a trusted entity. To do this Weather Corp would need to call IAM’s CreateRole API. Here is an example of this API call via AWS CLI:
aws iam create-role --role-name RoleWeatherCorp --assume-role-policy-document file://./roleTrustPolicy
Where the contents of roleTrustPolicy file are below:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }
Step 3: Attach policy to role. To do this, Weather Corp would need to call AttachRolePolicy API. Here is an example of this API call via AWS CLI:
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name RoleWeatherCorp --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/PolicyWeatherCorp
Step 4: Create a rule (WeatherCorpRule) that is attached to Weather/Corp/Temperature topic. To create this rule, Weather Corp would need to call CreateRule API. Here is an example of this API call via AWS CLI:
aws iot create-topic-rule --rule-name WeatherCorpRule --topic-rule-payload file://./sqsRule
Where the contents of sqsRule file are below:
{ "sql": "SELECT * FROM 'Weather/Corp/Temperature'", "ruleDisabled": false, "actions": [{ "sqs": { "queueUrl": "", "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/RoleWeatherCorp”, "useBase64": false } }] }
Note: To run the above command, IAM user/role should have permission to iot:CreateTopicRule with rule arn as resource. Also, it needs to have permission to iam:PassRole action with resource as role arn.
Further, Forecast Corp would need to give permission on SqsForWeatherCorp to Weather Corp’s account, using resource policy. This can be done using SQS’s add-permission API. Here is an example of this API call via AWS CLI:
aws sqs add-permission --queue-url --label SendMessagesToMyQueue --aws-account-ids 123456789012 --actions SendMessage
It is important to note, that by adding this resource policy, Forecast Corp not only allows AWS IoT rules engine to send messages to SqsForWeatherCorp, but also permits all users/roles in Weather Corp’s account (which have the policy to allow sqs:SendMessage to SqsForWeatherCorp) to send messages to SqsForWeatherCorp.
Once the above setup is done, all messages sent to Weather/Corp/Temperature (which is in WeatherCorp’s account) will be sent to SqsForWeatherCorp (which is in Forecast Corp’s account) using the rules engine.
In this blog, the process of creating AWS IoT rules with cross account destination has been explained. With the help of simple case scenarios, the process of creating rules for Lambda and SQS destinations, using AWS CLI, has been detailed in a step by step manner.
We hope you found this walkthrough useful. Feel free to leave your feedback in the comments.