The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: High Performance Computing

Unlocking Business Value through Digital Twins: The AWS and Bosch Collaboration

Introduction McKinsey research shows that a remarkable 70% of top tech executives are investing in digital twins, highlighting the growing momentum for this technology. Their goal is to achieve more agile and resilient operations, as digital twins offer a wide range of applications, from remote control and monitoring to complex system simulations, enabling a new […]

Digital Twins on AWS: Driving Value with L4 Living Digital Twins

Introduction In working with customers, we often hear of a desired Digital Twin use case to drive actionable insights through what-if scenario analysis. These use cases typically include operations efficiency management, fleet management, failure predictions, and maintenance planning, to name a few. To help customers navigate this space, we developed a concise definition and four-level […]

Digital Twins on AWS: Understanding “state” with L2 Informative Digital Twins

In our prior blog, we discussed a definition and framework for Digital Twins consistent with how our customers are using Digital Twins in their applications. We defined Digital Twin as “a living digital representation of an individual physical system that is dynamically updated with data to mimic the true structure, state, and behavior of the […]

Digital Twins on AWS: Predicting “behavior” with L3 Predictive Digital Twins

In our prior blog, we discussed a definition and framework for Digital Twins consistent with how our customers are using Digital Twins in their applications. We defined Digital Twin as “a living digital representation of an individual physical system that is dynamically updated with data to mimic the true structure, state, and behavior of the […]

Digital Twins on AWS: Driving value with L1 Descriptive Digital Twins

In our prior blog, we discussed a definition and framework for Digital Twins consistent with how our customers are using Digital Twins in their applications. In particular, we described a Digital Twin leveling index to help customers understand their use cases and the technologies needed to achieve the business value they are seeking. This Digital […]