Networking & Content Delivery


Amazon CloudFront introduces Origin Access Control (OAC)

Amazon CloudFront is a global content delivery network that securely delivers applications, websites, videos, and APIs to viewers across the globe in milliseconds. Using CloudFront, customers can access different types of origin services to suit their use cases. One of the performant architectures customers adopt is to use Amazon S3 as the origin to host […]

Serving SSE-KMS encrypted content from S3 using CloudFront

Update: We’ve updated this blog and the AWS Lambda function code to work with both “custom” and “s3” style origins in Amazon CloudFront. Previously, only “custom” types were covered. In August 2022, CloudFront launched OAC (Origin Access Control), providing native support for customers to use CloudFront to access S3 bucket encrypted with SSE-KMS. Depending on […]