AWS Open Source Blog

Open Source News Roundup: December 15, 2017

This will be a regular feature: a roundup of open source news from us that you might have missed (especially, in the past few weeks, in the flood of other news from re:Invent!).

Keynote: Cloud Native at AWS

Adrian Cockcroft keynoted Cloud Native Con / Kubecon last week. AWS had made some important Kubernetes-related announcements at re:Invent the week before, and in this talk Adrian provided insight into our plans vis-à-vis Kubernetes:

“One of the things [customers] wanted was to keep Kubernetes a completely open source experience. We’re not forking Kubernetes: everything we do is upstreamed.” He went on to say: “The EKS team actively contributes to the Kubernetes project, and as we build out our teams, we’re making more contributions. If you work with us, you’re not going to be sitting in a back room working on a private version. We’re building teams that contribute actively to the project.”

Announcing AWS Amplify and the AWS Mobile CLI

On November 21st, we announced “the release of AWS Amplify, an open source library (under Apache 2.0) for interacting with cloud services that use JavaScript applications. Amplify is broken into categories to help developers programmatically use best practices and deliver a scalable and secure experience to their customers.” – AWS Mobile Blog

Introducing Model Server for Apache MXNet

We have announced the availability of Model Server for Apache MXNet, an open source component built on top of Apache MXNet for serving deep learning models, designed to simplify the task of deploying deep learning models for inference at scale. – AWS AI Blog

Updated AWS Deep Learning AMIs: New Versions of TensorFlow, Apache MXNet, Keras, and PyTorch

We’ve updated the AWS Deep Learning AMIs with significantly faster training on NVIDIA Tesla V100 “Volta” GPUs across many frameworks, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, and the latest Apache MXNet 1.0 release. – AWS AI Blog

Adrian Crockcroft Interviewed at KubeCon 2017

While at Kubecon, Adrian was also interviewed by John Furrier and Stu Miniman of Silicon Angle, among other things about “what Amazon thinks about when it comes to [open source].” As Adrian said: “We were doing a lot more than most people realized…” Watch the interview for more!

Deirdré Straughan

Deirdré Straughan

Deirdré has been communicating about technology, and helping others to do so, for 30 years. She has written one book (so far); edited two more (so far); produced and delivered technical training; produced hundreds of videos and live streams of technical talks; written, edited, and managed blogs; and managed events. She has been applying this skill set to cloud computing since 2010, and to open source for even longer. She joined AWS in 2017. You can find her at @deirdres on Twitter.