AWS Security Blog
How to track changes to secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager using AWS Config and AWS Config Rules
On April 20th, AWS Config announced support for AWS Secrets Manager, making it easier to track configuration changes to the secrets you manage in AWS Secrets Manager. You can now use AWS Config to track changes to secrets’ metadata — such as secret description and rotation configuration, relationship to other AWS sources such as the KMS Key used for secret encryption, Lambda function used for secret rotation, and attributes such as tags associated with the secrets.
You can also leverage two new AWS Managed Config Rules to evaluate if your secrets’ configuration is in compliance with your organization’s security and compliance requirements, identify secrets that don’t conform to these standards, and receive notifications about them via Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). Once enabled, these rules will trigger every time a secret’s configuration changes.
- secretsmanager-rotation-enabled-check: Checks whether or not secrets present in AWS Secrets Manager are configured for rotation. This rule also supports the maximumAllowedRotationFrequency parameter which, if specified, will compare the secret’s configured rotation frequency to the value set in the parameter.
- secretsmanager-scheduled-rotation-success-check: Checks whether or not secrets present in AWS Secrets Manager configured for rotation have been rotated within their rotation schedule.
In this blog post, I walk you through two ways to use AWS Config rules to determine if your organization’s secrets are being managed in compliance with your security requirements:
- Example 1: Drive rotation adoption by identifying secrets in a single account that aren’t configured for rotation. This maps to the first managed rule listed above.
- Example 2: Drive compliance with your security standards across multiple AWS accounts by creating an AWS Config Aggregator, which allows you to collect configuration and compliance data from multiple accounts across multiple regions.
Example 1: Drive rotation adoption by identifying secrets that aren’t configured for rotation in a single account and region
Many organizations require regular secret rotation. Use the new managed rule secretsmanager-rotation-check to verify whether your secrets are configured for automatic rotation.
- From the AWS Config console, navigate to Settings and ensure that Recording is on. Under Resource types to record, turn on recording for all resources by checking the All resources box next to Record all resources supported in this region, as shown in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1: Enable Recording
- To set up the rule, go to the Rules page in the AWS Config console and select Add rule, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Add Rule
- Search for secretsmanager-rotation-enabled-check in the search bar and select the rule that appears, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Search for rule
- In Figure 4, I use the name secretsmanager-rotation-enabled-check for the name of my rule. Trigger type is set to run upon changes to the resource’s configuration. For Scope of changes, you can monitor all applicable resources for this rule type or resources with specific tags. In my example, I am monitoring all secrets where the ENVIRONMENT tag is set to PRODUCTION. And finally, under Rule Parameters, I set maximumAllowedRotationFrequency to 30 days.
Figure 4: Add managed rule
- In my example, I specify AWS-PublishSNSNotification as my Remediation action and enter the parameters for AutomationAssumeRole, Message, and TopicArn topic so that I can receive notifications from an Amazon SNS topic regarding non-compliant secrets, as shown in Figure 5 below. Setting a Remediation action is optional. Once the rule is set up the way you want it, select Save.
Figure 5: Choose remediation action
Once you’ve saved the rule, it will evaluate your secrets every time there’s a change in the secret metadata, and you’ll receive an Amazon SNS notification about non-compliant secrets.
- In the AWS Config console, view your results by selecting Rules from the menu on the left. In Figure 6, secretsmanager-rotation-enabled-check shows that it has detected 1 noncompliant resource.
Figure 6: View rule evaluation results
- Select secretsmanager-rotation-enabled-check and it provides a link to the Resource ID of the non-compliant secret, as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Detailed view of rule with noncompliant secret
Example 2: Drive security compliance across multiple AWS accounts in your AWS Organization by creating an AWS Config Aggregator
Next, I’ll show you how to use the AWS Config Aggregator to review how secrets are configured across all accounts and regions in your AWS Organization so you can see whether they’re in compliance with your organization’s security and compliance requirements. AWS Organizations helps you centrally govern your environment as you grow and scale your workloads on AWS.
NOTE: You must enable AWS Config and the AWS Config managed rules specific to secrets in all accounts and regions that you want to monitor before creating the aggregator. You can use AWS CloudFormation StackSets to enable AWS Config and provision rules across accounts and regions as described here.
- In this example, I create the aggregator in my AWS Organization’s master account. From the AWS Config console, select Aggregators from the left menu, then select Add aggregator, as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Add aggregator
- Select the check box next to Allow data replication, as shown in Figure 9 below. This provides the permission for your AWS Organization’s master account to access the resource configuration and compliance details for all the accounts and regions in your AWS Organization.
Figure 9: Allow data replication
- Provide a name for the aggregator. In Figure 10, I’ve named mine MyOrganizationsSecrets. Select Add my organization, then Choose IAM role. Select Create a Role and enter a role name and then select Choose IAM role. The IAM role allows AWS Config to get the list of accounts in your AWS Organization.
Figure 10: Enable data replication and configure aggregator
NOTE: If you do not have an organization configured in AWS Organizations, you can select Add individual account IDs and then either add account IDs manually or update a comma separated list of accounts.
- Select Choose IAM role. Ensure Create a role is selected and enter a unique name. In Figure 11, I’ve named my role aws-config-aggregator-role. Select Choose IAM role again to create the role and again to continue.
Figure 11: Choose IAM role
- Select the Regions you want to aggregate data and select Save. In Figure 12, I’ve selected the two regions in which my AWS Organization uses Secrets Manager.
Figure 12: Select target regions for aggregation
Once you’ve selected your regions, click Save.
- Select the aggregator you just created to see the Aggregated view. In Figure 13, I select MyOrganizationsSecrets.As noted on the console, an aggregator is an AWS Config resource type that collects AWS Config data from multiple accounts and regions, the data displayed in the dashboard is received from multiple aggregation sources and is refreshed at different intervals. Data might be delayed by a few minutes.
Figure 13: Select aggregator
- In the Aggregated view shown in Figure 14 below, you can now see a dashboard view of all resources in your Organization, across all accounts and regions.On the top right, the Config rule compliance status shows that this organization has 11 compliant and 7 non-compliant rules. Below that is the Top 5 non-compliant rules which denotes the rule name, the region, the account number, and number of non-compliant resources.
Figure 14: Aggregated view
You can drill down into this data to view all compliant and non-compliant secrets in all your organization’s accounts and regions, and you can work with individual account or secret owners to drive security compliance — ensuring all secrets are configured for rotation, all secrets meet your organizations’ standard for rotation frequency, and secrets are rotated successfully.
- In Figure 15, I select secretsmanager-rotation-enabled-check for us-east-1 from the Top 5 non-complaint rules.
Figure 15: Top 5 noncompliant rules
- The detail view in Figure 16 below shows the 5 non-compliant resources and their corresponding Resource IDs.
Figure 16: Compliant and non-compliant secrets
In this post, I showed you how to track and evaluate secret configuration using AWS Config and AWS Config Rules using the AWS Management Console. You can also do this using the AWS Config APIs or the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI).
This enables you to drive secrets management best practices in an individual account or across your AWS Organization. To get started managing secrets, open the Secrets Manager console. To learn more, read How to Store, Distribute, and Rotate Credentials Securely with Secret Manager or refer to the Secrets Manager documentation.
If you have comments about this post, submit them in the Comments section below. If you have questions about anything in this post, start a new thread on the Secrets Manager forum or contact AWS Support.
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