Duolingo 使用 Amazon DynamoDB 存储 310 亿个项目,从而为拥有 80 种语言课程的在线学习网站提供支持。这家美国初创公司每月吸引全球超过 1.8 亿用户,这些用户使用免费的 Duolingo 课程进行了超过 60 亿次练习。该公司主要依赖 Amazon DynamoDB 获得高度可扩展的数据库,同时实现每秒 2 万 4 千个读单元和每秒 3 千 3 百个写单元的高性能。此外,Duolingo 还使用一系列其它的 AWS 服务,包括基于最新 Intel Xeon 处理器系列、用于计算的 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(Amazon EC2)、用于提升性能的 Amazon ElastiCache、用于存储图像相关数据的 Amazon Simple Storage Service(Amazon S3),以及实现永久数据存储的 Amazon Relational Database Service(Amazon RDS)。未来,Duolingo 计划利用 AWS Elastic Beanstalk 和 AWS Lambda 来构建微服务架构,并利用 Amazon Redshift 来实施数据分析。

我们感谢 AWS 为我们省去的所有工作。AWS 使我们能够专注于我们的使命,即为全世界提供免费语言教育。”
Karin Tsai
Duolingo 高级软件工程师
使用的 AWS 服务
Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon DynamoDB 是一种适用于任何规模的 NoSQL 数据库服务,具有快速又灵活的特点。
Amazon ElastiCache
Amazon ElastiCache 是一项兼容 Redis 和 Memcached 的无伺服器缓存服务,可为现代应用程序提供实时、成本优化的性能。
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Amazon S3
Amazon Simple Storage Service(Amazon S3)是一项对象存储服务,在可扩展性、数据可用性、安全性和能效方面业界领先。
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Amazon RDS
Amazon Relational Database Service(Amazon RDS)是一套各种托管式服务的集合,有便于简化云端设置、运维和扩展数据库的过程。
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Total results: 190
Eficode and AWS Help University of Turku Scale to Improve Sustainability
Based in Finland, the University of Turku built a business simulator to help students understand decision making around sustainability issues. To enable growth, the University worked with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS Partner Eficode to improve the software’s scalability and security. It has expanded its services to business leaders in addition to students. It can now add more features such as Amazon Quicksight, providing real business tools for all learners.
Indian Institute of Hotel Management Streamlines Hospitality Recruitment and Enhances Education with AWS AI-Driven Innovations
The Indian Institute of Hotel Management (IIHM) specializes in hospitality education that offers high-quality training and effective placement solutions. Based in India, the institute worked with AWS Partner Workmates to implement an AWS generative AI solution based on Amazon Bedrock. As a result, IIHM is seeing 50 percent faster interviews, 90 percent hiring accuracy, and a 20–30 percent higher rate of student job placements. In addition, surveys show that IIHM has created a more engaging learning environment, with 75 percent of educators and students now feeling more secure interacting with AI-generated content.
Improving Communication and Speech for People Living with Aphasia
The Queensland Aphasia Research Centre (QARC) in Australia is dedicated to empowering individuals with aphasia to regain independence in communication. -
Empowering Student Learning with Responsible AI Skills
Nanyang Technological University (NTU), is reimagining education to shape Singapore's future workforce - one that is equipped with cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) skills.
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