Why AWS Config?

With AWS Config, you are charged based on the number of configuration items recorded, the number of active AWS Config rule evaluations, and the number of conformance pack evaluations in your account. A configuration item is a record of the configuration state of a resource in your AWS account. An AWS Config rule evaluation is a compliance state evaluation of a resource by an AWS Config rule in your AWS account. A conformance pack evaluation is the evaluation of a resource by an AWS Config rule within the conformance pack.

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Pricing details for public AWS Regions

Pay for only what you use, with no minimums or upfront commitments.  

Additional costs

Configuration snapshots and configuration history files are delivered to you in the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket that you choose, and configuration change notifications are delivered through Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). Standard rates for Amazon S3 and Amazon SNS apply. Custom rules are authored using AWS Lambda. Standard rates for Lambda apply.

Except as otherwise noted, our prices are exclusive of applicable taxes and duties, including VAT, GST and applicable sales tax. For more information on AWS Config, see the

Pricing examples

Pricing example 1
You have the following usage in the US East (N. Virginia) Region in a 24-hour period: 10 configuration items are recorded from each of 100 Amazon EC2 instances for a total of 1000 configuration items.
Below is the cost of these configuration items if you use continuous recording versus if you use periodic recording. 

Cost of configuration items under continuous recording
1000 continuous configuration items * $0.003 per continuous configuration item = $3.00

Cost of configuration items under periodic recording
Under continuous recording 10 configuration items were recorded per resource. Under periodic recording, only 1 configuration item per resource is generated per day. 
1 periodic configuration item per resource * 100 resources = 100 periodic configuration items
100 periodic configuration items * $0.012 per periodic configuration item = $1.20

Pricing example 2

You have the following usage in the US East (N.Virginia) Region in a given month:
10,000 configuration items recorded across various resource types
50,000 AWS Config rule evaluations in detective mode across all individual AWS Config rules in the account
5 conformance packs, each containing 10 AWS Config rules with 300 rule evaluations per AWS Config rule (that is, 5*10*300 = 15,000 conformance pack evaluations total)

Cost of configuration items
10,000 * $0.003 = $30

Cost of AWS Config rules
First 100,000 evaluations at $0.001 each = 50,000 * $0.001 = $50

Cost of conformance packs
First 100,000 conformance pack evaluations at $0.001 each = 15,000 * 0.001 =$15

Total AWS Config bill
$30 + $50 + $15 = $95 

Pricing example 3

You have the following usage in the US East (N. Virginia) Region in a given month:
10,000 configuration items recorded across various resource types
50,000 AWS Config rule evaluations in proactive mode only, across all individual AWS Config rules in the account
5 conformance packs, each containing 10 AWS Config rules, with 300 AWS Config rule evaluations per AWS Config rule (that is, 5*10*300 = 15,000 conformance pack evaluations total)

Cost of configuration items
10,000 * $0.003 = $30

Cost of AWS Config rules
First 100,000 evaluations at $0.001 each = 50,000 rule evaluations from rules in proactive mode only * $0.001 = $50

Cost of conformance packs
First 100,000 conformance pack evaluations at $0.001 each = 15,000 * 0.001 = $15

Total AWS Config bill
$30 + $50 + $15 = $95

Pricing example 4

You have the following usage in US East (N. Virginia) Region in a given month:
10,000 configuration items recorded across various resource types
25,000 AWS Config rule evaluations in detective mode and 50,000 AWS Config rule evaluations in proactive mode from AWS Config rules in the account with both proactive and detective modes enabled

Cost of configuration items
10,000 * $0.003 = $30

Cost of AWS Config rules
First 100,000 evaluations at $0.001 each =25,000 rule evaluations in detective mode from rules with both modes enabled * $0.001 = $25

50,000 rule evaluations in proactive mode from rules with both modes enabled * $0 = $0

Total AWS Config bill
$30 + $25 = $55