AWS Innovate

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Eventos / Eventos para socios de AWS

¿Qué son los eventos para socios de AWS?

Los eventos para socios de AWS incluyen seminarios web, talleres virtuales y oportunidades presenciales de aprendizaje.



¿Quién debería asistir?

Los eventos para socios de AWS están diseñados para atraer a directores de TI, desarrolladores, científicos de datos y responsables de la toma de decisiones empresariales.

¿Por qué debería asistir?

Encontrará una variedad de eventos para socios de AWS que le inspirarán y formarán, ya sea que esté comenzando su traspaso a la nube o que esté buscando resolver nuevos desafíos empresariales.

Próximos eventos para socios de AWS

Showing results: 1-6
Total results: 99
  • APN Partner Events

    In-person Event
    AWS Partner: HERE

    HERE Auto Tech Day Santa Clara

    Come and be part of HERE Auto Tech Day Santa Clara on October 24, 2024, an event dedicated to some of the most pressing challenges and emerging technologies shaping the automotive industry.
    On Demand
  • AWS Partner Event

    On-Demand Webinar
    Accelerate your cloud journey with industry use cases - to lower costs, enhance agility, and accelerate innovation.

    Together, we innovate on migration, modernization, and build applications for industry

    Together, We Innovate is a virtual event designed to help you accelerate your cloud computing journey with help from trusted Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partners. Sessions are delivered by accredited partners who have demonstrated technical proficiency in specialized solution areas and customers who have successfully used AWS Partner solutions to transform their businesses.

    In this Migrate, Modernize and Build Industry Edition, you will hear from AWS, our partners and leading industry experts share success stories on how they lower costs, enhance agility, and accelerate innovation by migrating, modernizing and building better applications on AWS.

  • APN Partner Events

    In-person Event
    AWS Partner: HERE

    HERE Transportation and Logistics Tech Day Santa Clara

    Come and be part of HERE T&L Tech Day Santa Clara and join HERE Technologies, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and ABI Research, for a day of insights and collaboration on real-world approaches to driving innovation and efficiencies in fleet planning and logistics.
    November 11, 2024
  • AWS Partner Event

    In-Person Event
    AWS Partner: PTC

    Utrecht Innovation Night: Streamlining Design & Development with Arena and Onshape

    Join Arena and Onshape for an inspiring in-person evening dedicated to streamlining the product design and development process. This event will showcase how cloud-native tools are transforming collaboration, efficiency, and innovation across teams. Whether you're a product designer, engineer, or operations leader, discover how these two powerhouse platforms enable seamless design-to-production workflows.

    February 27, 2025
  • IoT

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Kore & FreeRTOS

    Achieving Unbrickable MCU FOTA for your FreeRTOS-powered Firmware

    KORE, the global provider of IoT connectivity, and FreeRTOS provide an overview of a microvisor-based approach to secure IoT connectivity by examining the implementation of KORE Microvisor (formerly Twilio Microvisor) on top of the popular FreeRTOS operating system for microcontrollers.

  • Security

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Alert Logic

    How Managed Detection and Response Enables a Startup’s Growth

    In this webinar, hear from security experts at AWS and Alert Logic discuss best security practices for the AWS cloud. In addition, the CISO of a SaaS-based startup joins the conversation and shares how his organization improved their security posture on AWS with Alert Logic Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solutions while maintaining a lean IT team and achieving accelerated launch goals.

    On Demand
1 17

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Otros eventos de AWS

Ver todos los eventos de AWS

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Charlas técnicas de AWS bajo demanda

Las charlas técnicas en línea de AWS son una selección de presentaciones en línea bajo demanda que abarcan una amplia gama de temas a distintos niveles técnicos. Estas charlas técnicas en línea de AWS están creadas por ingenieros y arquitectos de soluciones de AWS y contienen análisis técnicos detallados, demostraciones en directo, ejemplos de clientes y sesiones de preguntas y respuestas con expertos de AWS.

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AWS Summit

Las cumbres mundiales de AWS son eventos gratuitos que reúnen a los miembros de la comunidad informática en la nube para que se conecten, colaboren y aprendan acerca de AWS. Participe en AWS Summit y averigüe de qué manera empresas de todos los tamaños están logrando agilizar el ritmo de innovación gracias a la nube

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