Innovating Through Disruption
Amazon’s approach
More than ever, companies are beset by challenges–and surrounded by opportunities, too. To thrive, companies are going to have to do (even) more with (even) less. Amazon’s approach to innovation is one way of tackling the challenge, and it could have elements helpful to others in the present climate. In our experience, innovating successfully depends on rapidly determining where to innovate, what solution to focus on, and how to build.

Helpful elements
Learn how Amazon tackles the challenges and opportunities with disruptive innovation
About the author
Richard Halkett, former Worldwide Lead, Digital Innovation, AWS
The Digital Innovation team uses methodologies inspired by Amazon’s innovation mechanisms (e.g. Working Backwards) to help customers develop and deliver new solutions on AWS. Previously, Richard led Cisco’s Digital Capabilities organization, and before that the company’s first sales teams focused on Business Analytics and Software, and the Americas Public Sector business development group. Prior to joining Cisco, he worked in the U.K. and U.S. on foreign, technology, and innovation policy. He was the founding Policy & Research Director of Nesta (the UK’s National Endowment for Science, Technology & the Arts) and was the founding Chief Executive of Boxmind, the Oxford-based educational technology, content, and services company.