Build a Flutter Mobile App Using AWS Amplify - Part 1
Create a trip planner app for iOS and Android
Introduction: Build a Flutter mobile app using AWS Amplify
In this how-to guide, the first part of a two-part series, you will create a cross-platform Flutter mobile app using AWS Amplify. The app is a trip planner where users can create a trip and set its name, destination, and dates. Additionally, they can upload a banner image for the trip.
In the second guide of this series, you will add new features to the app, such as adding activities for the trips using a nested data model and creating the user's profile data using an Amplify function.

What you will accomplish
This how-to guide will walk you through the steps to create an app to help users plan trips. You will:
- Create a Flutter app using the terminal and structure its folders using the Feature-First approach where you will create a folder for every app’s feature.
- Use the Amplify CLI to create the Amplify backend for this app
- Add Amplify authentication capabilities to your app and use the Amplify Authenticator UI library
- Create a data model for the trips and use the GraphQL API to synchronize to the Amplify backend
- Add Amplify storage to your app to enable users to upload an image for their trips
- An AWS account: If you don't already have an account, follow the Setting Up Your AWS Environment tutorial for a quick overview.
- Install and configure the Amplify CLI.
- Install and configure Flutter.
- A text editor combined with Flutter’s command-line tools. For this guide we will use VSCode, but you can use your preferred IDE.
AWS experience
Time to complete
60 minutes
Cost to complete
Free Tier eligible
- An AWS account: If you don't already have an account, follow the Setting Up Your AWS Environment tutorial for a quick overview.
- Install and configure the Amplify CLI.
- Install and configure Flutter.
- A text editor combined with Flutter’s command-line tools. For this tutorial, we will use VSCode, but you can use your preferred IDE.
Services used
AWS Amplify
Last updated
August 23, 2023
This how-to guide is divided into the following short modules. You must complete each module before moving to the next one.
- Create a Flutter app (15 minutes): Create a Flutter app, add its dependencies, and create its folder structure. Additionally, you will also define the app colors and the routing constants.
- Add authentication (10 minutes): Create the Amplify backend for the app and implement authentication using the Amplify authenticator UI library.
- Add API (20 minutes): Create the Amplify GraphQL API for the app and implement the CRUD operation for the trip feature.
- Add storage (15 minutes): Create the Amazon S3 bucket for the app and implement the ability to upload an image for the trip.