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콘텐츠 유형
1-9 (129)
Showing results: 1-9
Total results: 129
  • 우선순위
  • 날짜
  • Origin Offload

    Increasing the Cache Hit Ratio (CHR) with CloudFront improves the performance of a web application, and reduces the load on its origin.
    Technical Guidance
  • Addressing OWASP Top 10 risks

    he OWASP Top 10 is a standard awareness document for developers and web application security. OWASP Top 10 risks can be addressed with AWS provided tools and guidance.
    Technical Guidance
  • Bot Management

    Automated bot traffic can have negative impact on your web application, in terms of availability, increased infrastructure costs, skewed analytics and fraudulant activities such as account takeover.
    Technical Guidance
  • Image Optimization

    Images are commonly the heaviest components of a web page. Optimizing images on website is critical to improve user experience, reduce the costs of content delivery, and enhance SEO.
    Technical Guidance
  • Measuring Performance

    Measuring performance is the starting point to identify opportunities for improving the speed of web applications.
    Technical Guidance
  • A/B Testing

    A/B testing or canary deployments technique allow developers to experiment with two or more variants of a web page.
    Technical Guidance
  • Managing false positives in AWS WAF

    Adding security controls such as WAF to a web application, increases the risks of introducing false positives.
    Technical Guidance
  • DDoS Protection

    Applications built on AWS benefit from native DDoS protections, and can be designed to be highly resilient against DDoS attack using AWS services and security controls.
    Technical Guidance
  • Back to Basics: Accelerate and protect your websites using Amazon CloudFront and AWS WAF

    Internet users increasingly expect responsive web applications and APIs with lower latency and higher availability. Additionally, publicly accessible web applications and APIs are exposed to threats such as commonly occurring vulnerabilities described in the OWASP Top 10, SQL injection, automated requests, and HTTP floods (Denial of Service (DoS)) that can affect availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources. Developers looking to keep their web application performant, resilient, and secure, introduce Amazon CloudFront‘s global edge network with AWS WAF to their hosting infrastructure. Both services protect web applications from being exposed to potential attacks and being vulnerable to unpredictable traffic spikes that impact performance and availability. In this post, you learn the basic concepts of configuring CloudFront and AWS WAF to add them to your web application technology stack.
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