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Chemins d’apprentissage

Trouvez de l'apprentissage vidéo pour aider votre entreprise à prospérer en profitant d'une expertise, des connaissances et de l'expérience pour vous aider, ainsi que votre start-up, à établir des liens avec les clients et les investisseurs, à établir votre crédibilité et à vous démarquer de vos concurrents.

Création de votre MVP avec AWS

Apprenez à lancer rapidement votre produit, à recueillir des commentaires précieux de la part des utilisateurs et à l’affiner pour en faire un favori des utilisateurs. Cette série a été précédemment diffusée en tant que programme basé sur des cohortes et certaines des affectations peuvent ne plus être applicables.

Week 1: Building your frontend

Front-end development is the face of your product: the first impression that can make or break user experience. Join us as we dive into the fast-paced world of front-end development, where the right choices can transform a good product into a great one.

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Week 1: Understanding your customers

A deep understanding of your customers is the foundation for building a sustainable and profitable model. By understanding their world, addressing their needs, and staying agile, you’re setting your startup up for extraordinary success.

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Week 2: Building your backend

A robust backend is the backbone of any successful application. This introduction sets the stage for understanding the critical elements of backend architecture. You’ll learn why strategic planning is essential and discover the diverse compute options available on AWS.

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Week 3: Authentication and customer management

Protecting your users’ trust is paramount. Join us as we unveil the complexities of authentication and customer data management, often hidden like the bulk of an iceberg. Learn why robust security is essential for building a thriving startup.

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Week 4: Managing customer interactions

Growth is great, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of customer experience. Discover how to expand your reach without losing that personal touch.

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Week 5: Building scalable distributed architecture

Ready to build a scalable architecture that can handle explosive growth? Let’s dive in. We’ll explore the foundational concepts that will transform your startup from a promising idea into a robust, scalable powerhouse.

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Week 6: Choosing the right database

Choosing the right database is like picking the perfect car – it’s a journey that requires careful consideration. In this session, we’ll navigate the complexities of modern databases, exploring how they’ve evolved and the essential factors to consider when selecting the ideal data store for your startup.

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Week 7: Software engineering

Ready to turn your engineering dreams into reality? Let’s dive into the world of building software with purpose. This isn’t just about coding; it’s about aligning your team’s efforts with your business goals.

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Week 8: Getting started with Gen AI

Embark on an exploration of Generative AI, starting with a comprehensive overview of its diverse applications. This session lays the groundwork by detailing the basics of AI and machine learning, emphasizing the revolutionary impact of Generative AI for businesses.

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Week 9: Leveraging vendors to move faster

Master the art of software procurement and watch your startup soar. We’ll dive into the world of build vs. buy, sharing real-world tips for making smart decisions that save time and money.

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Week 10: Innovating iteravely post launch

Kick off your exploration of post-launch innovation with an overview of the challenges and strategies for continuous experimentation. This session emphasizes the importance of gathering and prioritizing customer feedback to guide iterative development.

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